My Marvel Academia

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Info: It's a cross over with My Hero Academia. If you're not into that fandom, no worries! I try to explain and describe the characters from bnmha under the pretense that you're reading them for the first time. Anways, the Avengers still don't know who Spider-Man is and this takes place after season 4 of bnmha, but that's mostly because I wanted the concert scene with Eri to have happened. If you don't know what that is, don't worry! Also, the grape dude doesn't exit in this because he's a perv and I don't like him. Sorry not sorry Minoru Mineta. Enjoy...

Thinking back, there wasn't anything Spider-Man could have done to stop the events that were about to transpire, or any of the other Avengers, for that matter. It had been a fairly typical day for Peter Parker, his alter ego. He finally got MJ's number, which he had written on a slip of paper. When the school bell sounded, signalling that the teenage hero was free for the day, he rushed off to change into his other self, webbing his backpack to a wall and jamming the piece of paper into his boot next to his phone. Half an hour into his leisurely patrol, a supervillain attacked and he found himself the first to show up for the impending fight.

"Hey, ugly!" he hollered upon entering the scene. The bad guy perked up, turning to face his challenger. He was just a simple man in a lab coat, commanding a student named Alexi who he had turned into the nefarious Rhino. Smug with himself, Spider-Man added on to his previous greeting. "Ha! I can't believe you looked!"

"Nice one, Spider-Man," Iron Man chuckled as he landed nearby, setting down Captain America and Black Widow.

"Ah, well, I try," Spider-Man grinned shooting some webbing at the scientist, only to have Rhino intercept his initial attack, yanking the vigilante to him and hurling him into a building.

War Machine landed next his teammates and set down Hawkeye. He aimed missiles to shoot, but retracted them when Spider-Man shouted a warning that Rhino was the victim, too. After hearing that an innocent high schooler was behind all that leathery skin, the team knew they would be using non-lethal force.

The scientist-dude, let's call him Mr. Jerkbutt since his name was never actually disclosed, pulled a ray gun out of his lab coat and shot it at the pavement just below Black Widow's feet. Having anticipated that it wouldn't actually hit her, she gave no reaction. As the beam hit the ground, the concrete below her turned into a strange colored mush and she was immediately sucked through. He immediately repeated the process with Captain America and Hawkeye, who both couldn't get out of rainbow sludge range in time.

"You killed them!" Iron Man howled with rage as he aimed for Mr. Jerkbutt, only to falter when Rhino jumped in the way and began to charge the iron-clad hero. Mr. Jerkface shot his ray gun at the building behind them, while Rhino shoved the billionaire through the strange array of colors. When the evil duo tried to repeat the process on War Machine, the latter tried to fly away only for Mr. Jerkbutt to shoot at the area just above his head, effectively sending him into the sludgey abyss.

Similarly, Spider-Man attempted to escape the charge, dodging to the left and swinging up when a shot was placed in his path. Mr. Jerkbutt aimed for the vigilante's webbing next, forcing a tumble to the ground where a well-placed mush patched sucked him up.

And then Mr. Jerkbutt and his minion, Rhino, took over the world! Mwahaha!

Just kidding, but we'll come back to that later.

See, the thing is, the Avengers and Company didn't die when they got sucked up by the rainbow sludge. How do I know this? Well, the next thing they knew had them falling through the air at unknown speeds. Iron Man caught the two that had carpooled with him earlier while War Machine snagged the archer out of thin air. Spider-Man, despite having been unoriented at first, promptly shot a web at a strange shaped building.

"What-?" Spider-Man swallowed. "Where are we?"

"Beats me, FRIDAY?" Iron Man asked, pausing to listen to his AI. "This doesn't look like Musutafu, Japan."

"Yeah, bears no resemblance to the brochures," Spider-Man chuckled. A boy with green eyes and green hair dressed in a school uniform walked out of the H shaped building that the webhead had used to land. "Hey, kid!" Spider-Man hollered, jogging over with no sense of social restraint. "Where are we?"

The boy's eyes lit up when he faced the heroes. "Cool cosplays! Spider-Man was always one of my favorite Avengers! Wow, what Iron Man mach are you going for? Is it the 84? It looks like the mach 84 to me, it's super realistic. Wow, look at the web embroidery on your Spider-Man costume! It looks so accurate from the history books! And the War Machine-"

"Hate to cut your rambling off," Spider-Man sighed. "But I'm not an Avenger. I'm just a mutant spider person. Mind giving this arachnid a hand and letting me in on where Mr. Jerkbutt sent us?"

"'Mr. Jerkbutt?'" The boy chuckled. "Isn't he the villain who sent Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hawkeye, War Machine, and Spider-Man into sludge portals only for them to make a reappearing minutes later? And, what kind of cosplayer doesn't know that Spider-Man was arguably the greatest Avenger?"

"That's the thing, I'm Spider-Man, so I would know about my superhero status. I crawl on walls and shoot webs and deal with Grand Theft Bicycle when I'm not fighting supervillains."

The boy did a double take, muttering something to himself. He pulled out his phone and dialed a number. "All Might? You're not going to believe this, but there's some cosplayers dressed as the Avengers and I'm not sure their lying when they claim to actually be them... Yeah, I'll meet you in Principal Nezu's office. I don't know how they got into UA High without a pass. See you in a minute. Bye." He looked up and made eye contact, surprisingly serious. "Follow me."

The Avengers (and Spider-Man) were confused. Who was All Might? Were they at UA High School? What was going on? Shrugging, they decided the best option was to follow the strange teen, although an inkling of an idea was beginning to form in the webhead's mind.

A/N I feel like I'm sooo clever for using "inkling" when I have a fellow Wattpadian who goes by Inky. Lol InkytheGhost 😂

Hope you enjoyed this, there will be more later!

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