Field Trip? More Like Hostage Situation! P2

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Info: here's the part two, as promised

Holy frick, why couldn't I move? Oh, wait. I was unconscious. Well, that's slightly more concerning.

I heard groaning beside me. I opened my eyes with the intent to see who it was. Holy frick, why was Tony Stark slowly regaining consciousness next to me? Wait.. My hands... They were tied up above me with chains and I was standing in some large circular room with concrete walls, floor, and cieling. I noticed an alcove at one part of the room where a large concrete door barred our freedom. Above it, an electric clock timer stood, frozen at twenty minutes. I noticed the rest of my class slowly coming to as well as the rest of the Avengers.

"What happened?" I frowned.

"Good question," Tony Stark sighed. "I believe you and your class just got dragged into a typical Friday for an Avenger."

"Well this sucks," I heard MJ say. Looking around, I noticed that the only people still asleep were Peter Parker, Dr. Bruce Banner, and Captain America.

"Peter, wake up," Ned said, poking Peter's unconscious form with his foot.

"Five more minutes, Aunt May," he mumbled.

"Peter, we've been kidnapped." I was honestly surprised at how calm Leeds sounded when he said it.

Groggily, Parker opened his eyes. "So, nothing unusual?" I almost choked on my own spit and I noticed similar expressions wash over the room.

"For you? No. For the rest of our Chem class? Yes."

"Holy frick." Yeah, tell me about it.

He perked up and looked around. A beat later, Captain America was awake.

"Avengers," a voice said, I assumed there was a speaker somewhere, "you so-called 'heroes', will soon meet your end."

"Here we go again," Tony Stark muttered with an eye roll.

"You think you save people, when the contrary is the truth. You are murders; you are horrible people." Okay, I understood that the Avengers saw this as a normal occurrence, but why did Peter Parker share their annoyed expression? "So, now you meet your doom and one last failure goes in the books for you. Can't even protect a couple of high school kids? What kind of heroes are you?"

"Uno reverse: what kind of hero are you?" Parker (?) snarked.

"I-I'm not-"

"I thought you dudes who are all self-righteous n'stuff and against the hard working heroes had a hero complex of their own?" Parker frowned with a tilted head. "Dude, you're actually aware what you're doing is bad. That's not normal."

"Teenagers," the voice muttered with disdain. "Plowing on: while the kids are chained with steel, the murderers have been bound with vibranium. I'd like to see you break out of that."

"Dang it," Hawkeye groaned. "No one here can break vibranium!"

"That's the point. There's a bomb in here. You have twenty minutes. Goodbye, Avengers."

"So, any ideas?" Black Widow asked, glancing at her teammates. The were a few seconds of silence

"Yeah," Parker sighed, "one." Then he freaking snapped the chains. He glanced up and everyone followed his gaze, still shocked. "Of course, what else would you do with a bomb other than hang it from the ceiling?" He kicked off his shoes. Weird.

"There's the end of that plan," Tony Stark groaned. "Now, how'd you break out of those chains?"

Parker freaking laughed and walked up to the billionaire, giving him a light punch on the shoulder. "Gee, Tin Can, I thought you were supposed to be a genius!"

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