Good With Kids

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Info: like always, the Avengers dunno who SM is, but they work with him... Enjoy the fluff!

Panic. All the Avengers felt was panic. It made their hearts drop and their blood run cold. They collectively had no clue what they were doing or even what they needed to do.

And it was all the fault of a four year old little girl named Abbie. Abbie had hair so blond it was almost white with skin well-tanned from hours of playing outside on the playground, but she had a cut just above her brow, yet it had stopped bleeding, but all she could think about was how much the ouchie hurt, and she wanted it to go away.

The heroes' saving grace came in the form of red and blue spandex tumbling onto the team. "I got all the civilians secured and safe," he declared happily. He noticed the little girl wearing the white shirt with a unicorn and a pair of leggings. "You found an angel and didn't tell me?!" he gasped dramatically, dropping to her level and perching himself in front of her.

"Yeah, an angel," Stark repeated hesitantly.

"What's your name, hun?"

"A-Abbie," she whined, taking a step back. "Mommy says not to talk to s-strangers."

Spider-Man gasped and made a big show of looking around. "Stranger? Where? Strangers are so scary!" She giggled a little bit, but sobered up rather quickly. "What's wrong, Abbie?"

She pouted and pointed at her forehead, unknowingly missing the spot where the actual cut was. "I've got an ouchie!"

"An ouchie? Whatever shall we do?" Spider-Man wondered aloud, padding closer to the girl and silently cheering when she crossed the rest of the distance herself. "I know! When I was your age, my mommy always kissed my ouchies and made them feel aaaaall better," he grinned. "Does your ouchie need a kiss?"

She smiled shyly at him. "You would do that?"

"Obviously, who wouldn't want to help an angel with her ouchie?" Spider-Man scoffed, like it was the most apparent thing in the world. She giggled slightly and sat on his lap, lifting his mask up to his nose. He gave her a quick peck on the forehead and a huge smile erupted on her face.

"Aren't you a superhero?" she asked after a silent beat.

"Yeah, I guess I am," he chuckled, his lips curled upward in content.

"Is it scary?" Her expression read easily 'spill the tea, sis.'

He paused and poked his chin whilst frowning, make an effect of pondering her question like it was the hardest thing he'd ever had to do. "It is," he conceded after he had made her wait long enough.

"Then why do you do it?"

"Someone has to protect all the little angels, Abbie."

"Don't you get tons of ouchies?"

"Yeah, I do. They kinda suck."

"Does your mommy kiss yours, too?" Abbie asked, fiddling with his webshooters. He frowned a little bit more seriously at the question.

"Nah, my mommy went to a better place when I was younger than you are now," he admitted. "My aunt helps me when I get an ouchie. Her or my best friend or my girlfriend."

Her nose scrunched up slightly. "Ew! Relationships are gross! Boys have cuties!"

He just laughed. "But, I'm a boy!"

"No, you're a man!"

"Oh, okay, that makes sense," Spider-Man grinned. "Thanks for telling me. You're so smart."

"I know! I got a sticker on my paper from school!"

"School? I knew you're a wise one!" the wall-crawler chuckled, letting her snuggle closer into his chest while he shifted so less of the carnage was within her vision. "Stickers are pretty impressive. I had to work really hard for my stickers. Do you have a nice teacher?"

"Mhm," she hummed giddily. "Mrs. Stout is awesome! She gives us snacks and reads us stories and plays with us during recess!"

"She sounds awesome! My teacher, when I was your age, was Mrs. Skinner. She was pretty nice, I haven't seen her since, though."

"Do you think I'll see Mrs. Stout after I leave her class?"

"Maybe when you're older. You might decide to be a teacher's assistant in a few years during an elective," Spider-Man smiled, explaining the process to her. He didn't miss the sniffle of her nose and how all hope seemed to vanish at the thought of loosing her beloved teacher. He had almost forgotten how attached kids were to their instructors, he found it nice to have Abbie as a reminder as to how simple life used to be.

"Abbie?" a woman's voice shouted and the vigilante's super-hearing licked up the shuffling of her feet as she stumbled in the midst of her run.

"Over here, Ma'am!" Spider-Man hollered, easily scooping the girl up and placing her on his hip. "She's safe. Just a scratch on the forehead." He paced over to the frantic woman and met her in the middle, assuring her that no harm came to her little angel. After a moment of conversing, the blond thanked the hero and her daughter did the same before stalking off to give her statement to the police now that she had her child.

A hand on his shoulder caused the web-slinger to jump a little. "You're good with kids," Captain America declared.


"Yeah, I could never do what you just did," Stark frowned. "Which is just wrong because I'm supposed to be good at basically everything."

"It comes with practice," the young hero admitted. "I did a lot of babysitting as a teenager." Naturally, he left out that he still technically was a teenager, but who cared about technicalities, anyways?

"No kids of your own?" Black Widow inquired.

"Nah, I'd need to have a wife first. And, having a wife requires actually being in a relationship. You happen to be looking at an incredibly socially in-adept bachelor."

"I could give you some tips," Stark laughed. Spider-Man's lips quirked upward. Dating advice from the Tony Stark? Who would have thought?

"Sure, maybe sometime when we haven't just finished taking down an Avengers-level threat."

A/N I currently have 28 oneshot drafts after this is published. I... I don't know what to say for myself.

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