Indiana Jones

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Info: SM and Avengers only fight together, no buddy-buddy friendship.

"It's caving in!"

"My suit is too low on power, I can't hold it!"

"I'm just a guy with a bow and arrow, there's no way I can stop it!"

"We know that, Clint!"

"It won't budge!"

"Is there any way out?"

"I wish Wanda was here!"

These were the sounds that the spandex-clad teenager woke up to. He groaned, kneading his skull with his knuckles and forced himself to an upright sitting position while he took in his surroundings. Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye, White Wolf, and Falcon were all panicking in a hallway. Why were they panicking? There was no one there! What could possibly be setting them off? Just the thought of them freaking out was enough to make him start freaking out, and when he started freaking out, he couldn't think properly, and when he couldn't-

Why were the walls getting closer?



The hallway was getting smaller. The walls were collapsing in on them. It was a scene taken straight out of a movie. If no one figured anything out, they'd be squashed slowly until they inevitably expired. He paused his thoughts to take a quick judgement of the speed. The velocity they held was fairly minuscule, so they'd die a very slow death if it came to that. That also must have meant that whoever put them in such a situation was confident that they couldn't escape, even with all the time in the world.

"So, how'd we end up here?" he yawned, bringing his legs in so he could cross them like some kid.

"So, Sleeping Beauty is awake, huh?" Iron Man snipped.

"Yeah. How'd we end up in an Indiana Jones movie?"

"Some crook thought it'd be a good idea to try and kill the Avengers," Hawkeye grumbled.

"Well, duh! How'd we get here though?"

"Well, they gassed the tower. What's the last thing you remember? We don't exactly see each other outside of fighting," Captain America explained.

Spider-Man thought for a moment. What was the last thing he remembered? "Uh." He racked his brain for an answer to the obvious, but drew a blank. He hadn't even gone on patrol that day! Which begged the question as to why he was in full uniform. "I'm not sure actually. I don't even remember patrolling."

"That's odd," Black Widow commented. "We hadn't been in full gear either."

"Watch this be a weird fever dream," the teenager mumbled. "What had you been doing?"

"I was prepping for a mission with Bucky, Sam, and Steve," Black Widow explained. "Clint was getting ready to prank Tony. Tony was working on his whatever in his lab."

"I think I had been studying?" the vigilante offered weakly.

"College?" White Wolf asked, quirking an eyebrow at the youth.

"Something like that. There a way out?" Spider-Man asked in hopes of deterring them from his actual age.

"Do you think we'd still be here if there was?"

"Fair point." He glanced around. "Dude, there are visible screws. Just take the walls apart!"

"Gee, let me just grab my screwdriver and get right on that," Iron Man agreed with mock glee. "Oh, wait! I don't have a screwdriver on me!" He pouted for a moment. "I guess we'll just have to be crushed to death then!"

"Ever the optimist, Stark," Captain America sighed.

"Yes, I'll try to think positively about our looming death."

"Dang, how long have we been trapped here for you to be at each other's throats like this?" the newly awoken hero asked.

"See? It's that kind of thinking that got us into this mess in the first place!"

"Five minutes," Falcon drawled.

"We don't know how we got into this mess in the first place! You can't blame me!"


"If you would stop thinking about saving yourself from blame for one second, I'm dure you could use that 'genius brain' of yours to-"


"Are you doubting my intelligence?"

"So, do you, like, think I could use my stickiness to unscrew the screws, or...?"

"Maybe I am! Are you going to prove me wrong, Iron Man?"

"Probably," replied Black Widow.

"I know what you're insinuating, and you're wrong, Rogers! I'm more than a suit of armor!"

"I'll get on it then," the vigilante decided, finally moving to perch himself near the screws. While the motion was repetitious,  listless, and dull, it was working.

"So," Hawkeye greeted with a wave after a moment, "I'm almost glad we got trapped here y'know?" Spider-Man shot him a confused glare, which the archer seemed to receive despite the mask. "It's just that you're always popping up and helping save New York, and then you're just gone."

"Yeah? It's not, like, rude or anything, right?"

"Well, not really, no. It's just frustrating to not be able to talk to the guy who's saved your skin more times than you can count."

"Oh, uh, sorry?"

"What Clint means to say," Black Widow interjected, "is that we'd like you to come over sometime, maybe watch a movie or do some training."

The web-slinger's eyes grew comically wide, taking up most of the mask. "Wait, for real? No cap, dude, that's awesome."

"See?" Stark snarked. "Even Spider-Man is against you!"

"'No cap' is a slang term," the quoted boy chuckled. "It's like, 'honestly' or 'frankly.'"


"Dude, weren't you ever taught to not say anything if you don't have anything nice to say?" the wall-crawler whistled innocently as he continued to work. Behind him, Captain America opened his mouth to through out a retort that fed off the statement. "Spangles, that goes to you, too." Said man halted before he could speak. "Seriously, you guys are the adults here."

"And you're not?" the inventor questioned.

"Well, I'm certainly not sporting grays," the younger grinned with obvious mirth. "The roles feel a little reversed, honestly. I'm supposed to be the reckless youth that needs bailing in this situation. Instead? I'm a screwdriver."

"Best screwdriver I've ever seen," White Wolf smirked.

"I've always wanted to be a screwdriver. My teachers told me it was impossible, but I knew that, if I believed hard enough, I could do it," the teenager said with mock seriousness, plucking out the last screw.

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