Fangirling - I Mean - Fanboying

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Summary: The team realizes that Spiderman is a total fanboy and a huge nerd, they get a kick out of it without realizing that it's perfectly normal for his age. (Homecoming suit)

It was movie night and - boy, oh boy - Peter Benjamin Parker was beyond excited. It wasn't just any movie night. No, Peter would suit up and swing all the way over to Avengers Tower, where he had been invited to join them for their weekly movie night. Heck, they even said he could pick the movie.

Naturally, he chose Star Wars- A New Hope. With a little help from the internet, he baked cookies with the symbols of the Empire and the Rebellion. He was even tempted to do a Han Solo cosplay over his Spider-Man getup, but he thought it might be a little much.

Not wanting to ruin the cookies by swinging through the city, he grabbed his skateboard and a bag, setting out for his fun night out. People were surprised, to say the least, when they say the Webhead skating around like any other teen. Most thought he was just a really good cosplayer, but those thoughts were quickly dispelled when he stopping several muggings on his way.

About half an hour into the long trip, a news van started to drive beside him. Being the good-natured, he waved and explained that if he webbed his way to the tower, he would mess up the frosting on the cookies he had baked for the Avengers. Flabbergasted, the crew filmed him for a few more minutes (at one point he let a cameraman hold his bag so he could do a few tricks for television) before leaving, satisfied with their story. He arrived several minutes early considering how there wasn't as much crime to stop on the way as he had anticipated. Not that he was complaining.

He entered the llama-shaped building and walked up to the receptionist with a smile, not that she could tell. "Hey, I'm here for movie night with the team," he explained.

She looked at him, complete disbelief taking ove her features. "And you are?"

"I thought that much was obvious. I'm Spider-Man."

"Sorry, sir. But, if you were Spider-Man, you'd web yourself up to the penthouse without passing security," she frowned.

"Normally that would be the case," he admitted, "but I made cookies and I didn't want to jostle the frosting." Her look said it all: she still didn't believe him. "If I walk up that wall to prove my identity, will you take me seriously?" he sighed. She nodded so he readjusted his board under his arm and proceeded to walk up the wall.

Shellshocked, she led him to an elevator and told him to ask FRIDAY for more instructions.

"Uh, Miss FRIDAY?" he said once the doors closed, looling at the ceiling.

"Yes, Spider-Man?"

"Can you take me to where the team is?"

Instead of responding, the elevator started moving. Very carefully, Spider-Man made his way onto the ceiling in order to give his fellow heroes a scare. When the doors opened, he crawled to the highed ceiling and stood straight once he noticed he had room to do so.

"Third door on you right will lead you to the Avengers living room."

"Thanks, Miss FRIDAY! Nice to meet you!" Spider-Man beamed.

"You're very welcome, Spider-Man. It was a pleasure to meet you as well. Or, as much as a pleasure an AI can have," she seemed to chuckle.

Quietly, the vigilante opened the door and entered the room without anyone noticing him. Mr. Barton and Mr. Wilson were going at it playing Mario Kart on the couch, eyes trained on the TV. Miss Maximoff was talking to Mr. Vision, Dr. Stark, and Mr. Thor while Mr. Rogers and Mr. Barnes were making small talk and watching their teammates play videogames. Dr. Banner and Ms. Romanoff were having a nice conversation while grabbing snacks from the adjoining kitchen.

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