Fieldtrip? More Like Hostage Situation!

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Info: mentions of abuse. Avengers work with Spidey but don't know who he is...

I rolled out of bed, wincing when I hit the floor. Groaning, I stood and stripped my shirt off of my skinny, yet surprisingly muscled, frame. Yeah, I definitely wasn't getting enough food considering my after school activities. I trudged to a crack body mirror and poked at bruises that I hoped would fade. I slipped on a dark button-up, noticing how a bruise just barely poked over the collar.

I shrugged it off, figuring I'd just steal some makeup from the bathroom. I yanked my basketball shorts off and changed my underwear, picking out a black pair of pants that seemed to look alright with the shirt I had picked out. Soon, socks and shoes had found their way to my feet. I slung my backpack over my shoulder, a low moan escaping my lips as it jostled the injuries I had sustained the previous day. Tip-toeing to the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and fixed up that bruise before grabbing an apple and racing out the door.

I had scarfed it down by the time I had reached the end of the block, tossing the core to the side so it could decompose naturally or whatever. Trudging on until I made it to the subway, I mindlessly held onto a bar while standing, swaying occasionally with the train. Soon enough, the car screeched to a halt at my stop. Quickly, I departed, walking the rest of the way to Midtown Tech, my high school for geniuses.

Brad quickly noticed me as I strode up the front steps, remarkably early. "Hey, Flash, what's up?"

I plastered on a grin that seemed painfully fake, but he didn't notice. We did a quick bro hug. "Brad! My man! Nothing much is going on with me, but how're things going with you?"

We continued on with our meaningless chatter, seeing as feigning bliss was as easy as breathing when at school. Why? Because I was Flash Thompson, football star, and ruler of Midtown Tech.

What? Were you expecting someone else?

"Yo, Parker!" I hollered down the hall as soon as I noticed the brown haired teen at his locker, which was minutes after that conversation of Brad.

"Hey, Flash," he sighed tiredly. See, that was the thing about Peter Parker: he always seemed tired, like he wanted to be somewhere else. Granted that's how most of my friends felt at school, but Parker always seemed to radiate that vibe. Which, was totally strange because that kid had the best grades in, like, all of Queens.

"Excited for the trip today?" I said, playful giving his shoulder a nudge. He stumbled a little bit and I reminded myself to keep my football strength in check, didn't need to accidentally hurt the small teen.

"Yeah, it's pretty cool that our class got invited," Peter said with his naturally tired smile. Like, seriously, what does that kid do all night? I mean, there was no way he was getting full nights of rest with those baggy eyes.

"You okay man? You look like a walking corpse!" I asked. It was true. Parker had this naturally pale complection that made him look somewhat sickly when exhausted.

"What? Yeah, totally. I just stayed up reading this really intere-"

"So, that means you'll have finished up my paper on Richard Feynman in time for Physics tomorrow?" I pleaded

He sighed a deflated slightly. "Yeah, yeah, of course."

I patted his shoulder. "Thanks man, I really appreciate it. I'd do it myself, but I don't have the time between football and training. Someone's gotta keep the school sports teams going." I smirked. In actuality, I was afraid that I couldn't maintain an A average on my own, something I knew my folks wouldn't be happy about.

"Naturally," he nodded along. I smiled and told him I had to catch up with a friend before the trip.

Minutes later, I found myself waiting in homeroom discussing who my favorite Avenger was with Betty and Abe.

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