Moma Bear P5

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Info: it's the fith and last part to Moma Bear... Also, the sections where a character is slurring over their words can be confusing, but I checked through them and all typos are on purpose to emphasise how they pronounced them. If you have an issue figuring out what their saying, just leave a quick comment and I'll be happy to translate...

"Oh my gosh," Pepper gasped, looking at her phone in horror. Of course Electro would choose Friday of all days to attack Central Park. Peter was definitely onto something when it came to the infamous Parker Luck he had told her about. She quickly found live footage of the fight on the news app she had installed to her phone. Sure enough Spider-Man made an appearance in all his spandex-clad glory.

"Dang it, Electro! I was on a date!" Spider-Man hollered as he made his appearance. "It was actually going great, too! I think sparks were starting to fly!"

Pepper cackled at the pun, seeing as she was alone and no one was there to question why she wasn't knee deep in paperwork. She was sitting in the guest room she usually met up with Spider-Man in, stilettos long forgotton on the floor as she sat with criss crossed legs. Pepper really hoped that joke meant that Peter had managed to land his first kiss before having to bolt.

That was when Iron Man touched down. "Spider-Man, hi. I was in the area. Sorry to hear about the date. Ready to take thid guy down?"

"Born ready," came the casual response. "We doing that thing we discussed back during that mission in Ottawa?"

"If you feel up to it," the billionaire said, eyes trained on the human outlet. "Some of the others are working damage control, fyi."

"Sweet, mind if I do something first, though?"

"Be my guest."

"Hey, Spark Plug!" Spider-Man hollered, leaping into a deserted area so no one came into harms way during the stunt he was about to pull. "Take your best shot." And that's exactly what Electro did. Granted, Spider-Man flipped out of the way, skillfully webbing his phone around the beam of electricity that shot at him. "Thanks, I it was almost dead." He held up his newly charged phone for all to see. "Ok, Karen, you know what to do." He leapt above the villain, dodging various bolts and shooting a non insulated web at the baddie while shooting another into the arc reactor that powered the Iron Man suit.

"Twenty percent should do the trick," Stark mumbled as he started coursing electricity through the web, Spider-Man, another web, and then right into Electro, effectively sending him into overload. Spider-Man screamed at the voltage coursing through his body, eduring the pain for the greater good.

Pepper turned the video on mute from where she sat and closed her eyes, letting out a shaky breath, trying to forget what a fifteen year old screaming in agony sounded like. It didn't work well. After a few moments, she unmuted the footage and continued watching as her fiancé carried the injured teenage hero in his arms, meeting up with Captain America, who checked for a pulse, despite Tony telling him that FRIDAY had scanned him already.

Spider-Man was alive.

A few words were exchanged and it was agreed that Iron Man would fly Spider-Man back to the tower for medical assistance while the others waited for their ride to get back. Spider-Man stirred just before they took off.

"'Ey, t'ny?" he moaned.

"What's up, Webs? How ya feeling?"

"N't s' good," he grunted. He paused for a moment, as if just thinking about something. "You th'nk MJ'll g' out w' m' 'gain?"

Tony paused, as if registering the name. His faceplate lifted up, revealing a sympathetic and fond expression. "Maybe, but we got fix you up first, Underoos."

"M'kay," he hummed in response as he snuggled slightly into Tony's metal embrace, just before getting jetted off into the air.

Pepper quickly stood, forgetting about her heels that she had taken off during the moment to herself, running to meet Peter. Her fiancé flew in through an open window and started to head to the elevator. "Peter!" Pepper called out, momentarily forgetting about the whole 'secret identity' thing.

"M'z P'tts?" he groaned, his head lifting slightly.

"Pete, you sweet idiot! You better be okay!" Pepper exclaimed, rushing to his side. Stark had stopped so Spider-Man - Peter - didn't have to strain to talk to his future wife.

"'M fine!" he tryed to protest. "Jus need a n'p."

"Peter, you need to head to the med-bay. No fourteen year old can survive that without medical attention."

"'S good 'm f'fteen," he slurred. "Heel f'st."

"Kid," he sighed, "I'm gonna have Bruce give you a glance over. If you heal as good as you think you do, we'll let it get taken care of during your nap."

"M'kay," he agreed. "C'n I sleep fur now?"

"No, I want you to stay awake until after Brucie gives the all clear."

Five minutes later, Bruce deemed Spider-Man's healing factor sufficient for the damage done and Peter was taking a well-deserved nap in his guest room while Pepper and Tony stood guard in the doorway.

"Hey, Pep," Tony started. "Is he really fifteen?"

Pepper didn't spare Tony a glance as she watched the rythmic rising and falling of Peter's sleeping chest. "He turns sixteen in a month."

"And he's convinced you to have kids?"

"I haven't mother-henned someone this much since my roommate in college got sick. I kinda like it."

"It suits you, I'm in for kids."

Hours later, Peter woke up. He stumbled into the living room, bleary eyed. "Hey, kiddo," Tony greeted from his spot on the couch. A solid chunk of the team was dispersed around the room. Pepper was sitting next to Tony, happily looking up from her StarkPad to shoot him a smile. Clint, Bucky, Bruce, Natasha, and Steve all perked up from what they were doing as well.

"Hey, guys. I've been thinking about something for a couple of weeks now," Spider-Man started, squirming slightly under the attention. "I talked to FRIDAY just a minute ago and she said some personal things came out when we got back to the tower. Like, Mr. Stark now knows how old I am, for instance. And, I, uh, I think it's time I, erm, showed you who I am. I honestly probably would have told you a while ago, but I'm admittedly a little scared you're not gonna like my normal self."

"Go ahead, sweetie," Pepper encouraged. "If anyone reacts negatively to you age, I'll sock them for you."

"Right, uh, thanks Ms. Potts," he gulped. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, not wanted to see their initial reactions, before yanking off his mask and revealing his youthful face and mop of brown hair. He opened one hazel eye and then another, exhaling at last. "So, uh, my name is Peter Parker. I'm fifteen years old and I'm Spider-Man, obviously."

"Our theory was way off," Clint announced.


"Steve, Tony, and I deduced that you started secretly dating Pepper after she saw who you are. We got Bucky and Bruce in on it, too," Clint explained.

Pepper laughed. "Really?"

"We heard all the wrong bits of conversations. We thought that date with MJ was gonna be you two," Tony smiled sheepishly.

Pepper perked up. "Speaking of! How'd it go?"

Peter rubbed the nape of his neck nervously before starting his awkward ramble. "Well, I think. But, then I had to run off and fight Electro. Oh! And MJ figured out I'm Spider-Man because she's observant. And we kissed. It was really amazing, she's a good kisser and-"

A/N That's all folks!

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