My Marvel Academia P2

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Info: Part 2 to "My Marvel Academia". If my descriptions of characters aren't clear enough, please let me know! A precaution I've taken to ensure that you aren't lost if I fail in that catagory is adding pictures at the end (and beginning, that's Izuku "Deku" Midoriya) of the chapter. Enjoy...

Principal Nezu was a rat. Or maybe he was a mouse. Spider-Man didn't know, his thing was arachnids, not rodents. In any case, he was short, white, fuzzy, and he wore a suit with orange shoes and had a scar running down his beady black eyes. All in all, he was kind of adorable. Spider-Man reminded himself that he wasn't some anime and it would be socially unacceptable to coo at the rodent-man sitting in front of him at his desk. Granted, he would definitely being cooing when he inevitably recounted the day's events to his best friend. They were both a bit of weebs.

Only a few minutes after their arrival, a scrawny blond man with small blue irises came in dress in a loose white shirt that hung limp on his measly frame along with grey cargo pants. He gave off the classic Millennial "adulting is hard" vibe immediately. Behind him, another man walked in dressed in a baggy black suit with a utility belt, dark combat boots, a thin grey scarf coiled around his neck so thick that it revealed how long it really was, and an expression on his face claiming that he was so done with the day. He had a long black mane and a scraggly bit of scrubble above his lip.

"Hello, All Might and Mr. Aizawa," Principal Nezu greeted, his voice chipper. "It appears that these fine gentlemen and lady seem to be under the impression that they are actually the historical figures they are dressed up as."

"Historical figures?" Spider-Man mumbled to himself, the pieces of what was happening starting to fit together. He froze.

"I don't know what's going on, but I don't think they're lying," the green haired boy, who still had yet to tell them his name, commented, offering his two cents on the subject.

Grinning widely beneath his mask, Spider-Man raised his hand. "Oo! Pick me! Pick me! I think I figured it out!"

Sighing, the man with the scarf pointed at him. "Do tell us."

Smiling sheepishly, Spider-Man spoke, "This gives off a time-travel vibe to me!"

"Vibe?" the boy whispered under his breath, "That slang is so dated."

Iron Man laughed. "Hate to break your little arachnid heart, but that's not possible."

Perking up at the challenge, Spider-Man was ready to defend his theory. "Think about it. The kid knew how the fight with Mr. Jerkbutt ended, but we're still under the impression that it's still going on. Plus, he's got some crazy idea in his head that I'm some great Avenger, which I'm definitely not right now. And, the principal just referred to us as historical figures! It makes sense, kind of."

"Okay, but how do we know this isn't some sort of practical joke?" the blond questioned.

"You could test our powers," War Machine volunteered.

"I'm sure a hero of Spider-Man's caliber would have no trouble at all fighting against class 1-A," Principal Nezu hummed. "We could set it up in the area we used for the entrance exam and the 'villains versus heroes' roleplay training activity. What do you say?"

"Wait, you want me to fight a bunch of high schoolers?"

"Well, this is a school for future superheroes."

"O-oh. Well that makes things harder. I'm in, I guess. How bad can it be if you think I can handle them?"

The boy looked back at the lost heroes and beamed. "This is so awesome! I'm in class 1-A! My name is Izuku Midoriya, by the way. But, you guys can call me Deku - It's my nickname and my hero name."

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