Passing Time With a Perfectly Normal Scar Contest

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"I'm bored!" Peter moaned as he walked into the living room of the Avengers Compound and flopping himself down on the couch. He took stock of who was in the room and noticed Clint and Sam ending a game of Mario Kart. Thor and Loki were discussing matters of Asgard on the other side of the big couch and Wanda was curled up in the middle reading a book.

"Oh!" Clint exclaimed as he passed the finish line, securing his win against Sam. He pumped his fists in the air before turning to me. "Hey, Petey! Did you say that you're bored?"

"Yup," he answered, popping the P.

"Well then," Clint looked thoughtful for a moment. "Want to hear the story behind the gnarliest scar you'll ever see in you entire life?"

Sam scoffed. "Please. Like you can beat my worst scar."

Thor seemed to perk up. "Are we discussing scars from past battles? I have quite the tale!"

Loki huffed. "I won't be joining in this foolish contest. I assume you would like to continue later?" he asked Thor, who nodded. With that, Loki vanished, having only been an illusion all along.

"Do you even have any scars yet, Parker?" Sam asked as he turned to the teenager.

The brown haired boy blushed and rubbed the nape of his neck. "I do, actually. You've probably got more though. I mean, I haven't been a vigilante remotely near as long as you guys have been Avengers."

"That's okay," Clint smiled. "We know you're still a little green to all of this."

"So, let's the cool scar!" Peter encouraged. Clint grinned and lifted up his shirt to reveal the nasty remains of a burn on his shoulder. "How'd you get it?" Pete asked, completely unfazed by the sight.

Clint hid his shock well. He assumed the arachnid teen would grimace at the sight of the scar. Then he remembered that Peter helped evacuate burning buildings on a regular basis. Burn scars were probably nothing new to him. "I was still a newer SHIELD agent at the time..." The archer went in depth about a time when a mission went horribly right involving a mad scientist, a tub of acid, firecrackers, and a reckless squirrel that involved alot of high velocity acorns.

When Sam was up, he lifted his shirt to show off several gashes and a bullet wound. After being pestered about where the gashes came from, he smirked and told them not to fly low in a forest, leaving it up to their imagination as to the exact events that took place.

"At last," Thor boomed, ripping off his shirt like it was the most casual thing in the world. His torso was littered with various scars. Clint and Sam gaped and Peter froze for a moment as realization his him: in his two years of fighting for the little guy, he'd racked up more scars than even the god of freaking thunder. He gulped, suddenly dreading his turn.

"Finally a reaction, Pete?" Clint chuckled, ripping his gaze away from the ripped man to grin at the teen. Peter just let out a hesitant laugh, hoping no one noticed his change in demeanor.

Out of all his insane scarring, Thor poked one between his ribs and grinned. "This one is my favorite, a gift from my brother to myself when I was tricked by his snake form. Brothers, am I correct?" Thor boomed with mirth.

"Y'know, you probably don't want to see my scars," Peter deadpanned. "I doubt the stories behind them would even be remotely entertaining."

"Nonsense," Thor countered. "Show us your marks of victory!"

"C'mon, Pete! We promise not to judge you because you haven't had a firework go off against your shoulder," Clint joked.

Peter rolled up his right sleeve to reveal several bullet wounds, stab wounds, burns, and other marks that the men couldn't quite place. Some even looked recent. The room quieted instantly. "Anything to keep to 'little guy' safe, y'know?" Pete declared after a moment. "If a bullet flies into the street, it could hit someone randomly. Better to take the hit than risk someone getting seriously injured."

"A part of me wants to see what's on your chest, but another part of me knows it won't be pretty," Sam commented after the teen's words sunk in.

"I need to see this. Pete, loose the shirt," Clint ordered, worry lacing his tone. The brunette obeyed and his chest was somehow worse than his arms. There were some marks that the men couldn't quite place their orgins, though.

"Man of Spiders," Thor said, gently for once, "how did you aquire these?" He pointed out several of the strange gashes.

Peter noticed how intetesting the floor was becoming with each passing second. "Ah, well, y'know... Homecoming night I fought the Vulture and he, uh, dropped a building on me. Pretty hard to get out completely unscathed."

"Did Stark get you out?" Sam found himself asking, curiosity getting the better of him.

"No, I wasn't in the suit he made. I had done something reckless earlier and he took it away as a punishment, so I was back in that homemade one I used when I first started out. Mr. Stark had no idea I was even down there," Peter mumbled.

"How?" Clint asked. How did you escape the debris?

"I, uh, did a pushup before pushing the rest off of me," Peter shrugged. "Then I tracked Toomes down with some help from my Guy in the Chair and fought him on the plane he was trying to steal from, which ended up crashing and I won. Not much else to it." The teenager put his shirt back on and grabbed a remote. "Mario Kart?"

Sam and Clint nodded, flabbergasted.

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