My Marvel Academia P3

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Info: part 3 to the "My Marvel Academia" arc. Above is Ochako Uraraka in the girl school uniform. Remember, Minoru Mineta doesn't exist via power of fanfiction because he's a perv and doesn't deserve to meet our cinnamon roll. Enjoy...

Normally, superheroes wouldn't fight a bunch of high school kids to prove themselves. Alas, time travel isn't exactly normal. That's why Spider-Man found himself facing off against 19 teenagers who all looked to be his age, and maybe even a bit older. It was a mildly unnerving experience.

The area that the rat-mouse-thing that ran the school had selected for the little sparring session was similar to New York in the sense that it was filled with skyscrapers and such, but completely dissimilar in the layout. Mentally, Spider-Man came up with a plan: divide and conquer. He wasn't an idiot. He knew that whatever version of Spider-Man they were under the impression would easily win was a future version of himself. As in, he's not there yet. Which left the door open for trouble on his part and it didn't help that the actual Avengers were banking on him proving their authenticity nor did it help that he barely got any shut eye the night prior.

Oh well, chalk it up to prefight nerves. Which, was weird considering that he fought baddies all the time. But, the more he thought about it, the more he realized: those fights were all impromptu. He had minimal warning before they happened. He simply didn't have time to be nervous before, but he sure was now that he had a heads up. Crazy, right? He gets an advantage in knowing he was about to take on a bunch of super powerful high schoolers and that only added to his on edge state.

He landed on the scene with about as much casualty and nonchalance as he could muster, his Avenger friends (were they even friends? They never hung out or anything) already on the scene and awaiting his arrival. A mob of students seemed just inside the fighting arena, getting one last pep talk from the blond man from earlier. Spider-Man amended his first impression of the guy: he wasn't the "adulting is hard" type, just a little rough around the edges. His enhanced hearing picked up on something that Deku was saying and he realized that the blond man was All Might (what kind of a name was that?) making the other dude who was just strolling into their area Mr. Aizawa.

"This'll be child's play, Spider-Man," Hawkeye smirked, folding his arms.

"Don't be nervous. Just assess their skills the first chance you get and go from there," Black Widow advised.

After the initial 'don't screw this up' speach, Captain America turned to him. "Sleep well last night?"

Spider-Man paused. Between the nerves, anxiety, and the PTSD, he had barely managed an hour and a half of sleep. While it wasn't exactly ideal, the Avengers didn't need to know that. "Slept like a baby," he beamed, knowing it was true. While the expression itself meant that he slept well, he also knew that it was never the case with actual infants. He deamed the statement not a lie.

"Good, you need your beauty sleep."

"Sheesh, Iron Man. You don't even know what I look like."

"Y'know," Iron Man sighed, a hand falling neatly on his hip as he surveyed the scene in front of him and watched the students gather, "We've done enough team-ups for you to call us by our actual names."

"O-oh. Really?"

"Yeah, Tony, Rhodey, Natasha, Capsicle, and Birdbrain," Stark said, pointing out each of his teammates respectively.

Spider-Man came to a decision. They were stuck in a different time together, they deserved to at least know this. "Well, call me Peter then."

Natasha walked forward and placed a tender hand on his shoulder, sensing the jumpiness that was practically radiating off of him in palpable waves. "Thanks for trusting us. You'll do great, don't worry." Relaxing slightly, Spider-Man nodded.

"Hey, 'Spider-Man!' Get over here!" a student with blond hair, red eyes, and a stance that put him taller than Deku. He wore a black tank top with a giant orange X that reached from each shoulder to each hip. There were metal braces on each shoulder that were bulky, but he didn't seem to be bothered by them. He had black cargo pants and metal plating on his knees and his steeled toe on each boot was painted orange. He also had these rather large grenade gloves, which seemed to be a cause for mild alarm for the webslinger of Queens.

"Bakugo!" another student with red hair hissed. He looked to be in overall a happy mood, but was shirtless with two black sleeves connect to braces he wore on his shoulders, which weren't dissimilar to gears in appearance. He also wore a pair of black sweatpants. "Mr. Aizawa was just about to call him over."

"He was too slow, Kirishima," Bakugo smirked. "Besides, I got his attention, didn't I?"

Spider-Man jogged over to the group. "So, you're class 1-A?" he grinned with a fake confidence, any outward signs of nervousness disappearing. Behind him, Natasha quirked a brow at the sight, picking up on his obvious ability to act and hide emotions. Granted, she wasn't surprised. He did live a double life, after all.

"Yeah, I'm assuming you've seen their quirks at the school sports festivals," All Might said.

"Dude, I think we've established that I travelled in time. There's no way I've seen their sports festival," Spider-Man deadpanned.

All Might shrugged, but Deku was the one who spoke up. "Well, that's no matter! Spider-Man fought new villains all the time!" Which, was funny and kind of terrifying, considering that the webhead had currently been fighting the same twn or so baddies over the course of his time as a vigilante.

He loathed what the future had in store for him.

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