Relationship Advice

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Info: The Avengers don't know who Spidey is and are tasked with tracking him down. Very short.

"So, any sign as to where Itsy Bitsy went?" Tony Stark sighed as he flew throughout Queens. Tony Stark was the genius billionaire behind Stark Industries and Iron Man, a super hero with a super suit of armor and member of the Avengers who were an elite team of heroes tasked with defending the world. Currently, they were tracking down a vigilante by the name of Spiderman by orders of Nick Fury, the head of SHIELD.

"No luck over here," Sam Wilson, AKA Falcon, spoke through the coms. He basically flew around in super high tech wings.

"Actually, I've got eyes on the insect," Natasha Romanoff, the redheaded assassin known as Black Widow, commented. "Track my location and we'll make a plan to intercept him."

So, that's exactly what Tony did. What he did no expect to see was Spiderman pacing the top of an abandoned warehouse, obviously stressed out about something.

"FRIDAY," Tony said to the AI in his suit, "project what he's saying through the coms."

"C'mon, Pete," the team heard him mumble. "What's there to be afraid of? You take on muggers and get held at gunpoint on a daily basis! Why is this so much harder!?"

The team exchanged glances, curious as to what the young hero was rambling about to himself. The hero sighed and pulled out a phone from... somewhere. He propped it up at eye level with some well placed webbing. It looked like he had it set to take a selfie, but Tony was sure he had it out if only to use it as a mirror. That's when the hero took off his mask.

The team was met with the sight of a boy with brown hair and eyes, years younger than they had braced themselves for. Natasha herself had assumed that the vigilante was, at the youngest, about to graduate college.

The teenage Spiderman turned to face the camera, an awkward smile plastered all over his face. "Hey, Michelle! I was wondering you wanted to go on a date?" He stopped and let his shoulders slump. "Sheesh, Peter, are you trying to get yourself rejected? This is MJ we're talking about!"

Tony gawked at the sight of the awkward teen. Oh goodness.

"So, MJ, nice weather we're - yeah, no."

Clint Barton, an archer assassin called Hawkeye, stiffled his laughter at the teenager's antics.

"We should, uh, hang out sometime. Like, without Ned... Peter, that sucks, too!"

Clint stood up, his intention to help the poor struggling boy in front of him.

"Screw this, I'll just be a single pringle for the rest of my miserable existence. I'm too socially awkward for my own good," Spiderman sighed, grabbing his phone amd slipping his mask back on. "At least I do a relatively decent job keeping Queens safer."

"You do," Clint agreed, surprising the hero.

"Y-you're Hawkeye! You're an Avenger!"

"Actually, we're all Avengers," Tony smirked as he came out of hiding, Sam and Natasha following.

"Oh my gosh! I'm a huge fan!" Spiderman exclaimed. "You guys are amazing! But, uh, how long have you been here for?"

"Oh, Michelle," Tony gasped dramtically. "I loooooove you!"

"Okay, I know it was bad, but that's taking it a little bit too far," Spiderman groaned. After a moment he turned sheepish. "I'm guessing that you saw my face then, too?"

"Yeah, what are you? Like twelve?" Sam huffed.

"Fifteen!" Spiderman squeaked indignantly. "Are you just here to poke fun at me?"

"No, the pirate wanted for us to find out who you are and such," Tony answered. "I'll just run your face through the system later."

"I'll tell you my name if you don't leak my identity," Spiderman asked. "I don't plan on letting anyone get near my Aunt May and it's a lot easier to keep her safe when people don't know that she is related to me."

"What about your parents?"

"They died when I was little."

"Deal, kid."

The masked vigilante took off his mask and gave them a weary smile. "Peter Benjamin Parker at your service."

Tony let his faceplate lift. "Okay, kid. Now, let us show you how to properly ask a girl out."

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