That One Prompt Literally Everyone Has Seen

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A/N this is a request from Pantone_518
This is literally my first time writing Loki, so I hope I don't screw him up😅😭 Enjoy!!

"What's popping, my dudes?" Spider-Man greeted as he flipped into the Avengers' living room via window. Given that it was a Sunday afternoon, no one was really surprised to see him. He usually took a break from his several hour long patrols with them.

"'Popping'?" Steve frowned from where he sat next to Clint and Tony in the couch. "Do people really say that?"

"It's what the 'cool kids' have been saying, right Spidey?" Clint smirked.

The teen hero rolled his eyes. "Funny."

"Spider of Men!" Thor boomed as he entered from some random hallway. "It's great to see you once again. How are you doing?"

"I'm alright. How 'bout you?"

"I'm doing wonderfully! My little brother is on his way for a visit, and I can't wait to see him!"

"We know, Thor," Tony drawled. "You've only been talking up his visit for the past month."

"Yes, but he's coming today!"

"Hold up," Spider-Man deadpanned, his hands calling for a time-out. "Your little brother? As in Loki?

"Of course Loki. What other brothers do I have?"

"Loki? The freaking god of mischief? That Loki? Wears gold horns on his head and tried to destroy the world?"

Thor nodded. "Well, he wanted to rule Earth, but close enough."

The vigilante sat down. "I did not wake up thinking this was how the day would go." The others shared an amused glance.

"He's been around before since the battle of New York before, y'know?" Clint chuckled. "As long as he's supervised, he's fine."

"Didn't he mind-control you?" the younger spluttered. "You're just okay with that?"

The archer shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah, but there's not much I can really do about that now. I can't stop him from coming by, so it was best just to make amends. We're not exactly friends, but we're not enemies right now either."

Natasha popped her head in. "Just a reminder: we've got a meeting in 15 with Fury to debrief our last mission."

"Why does everyone have to go?" Tony whined. "Isn't it enough if just one of us attends?"

The redhead stared at him for a moment before leaving. "No."

"I guess we should get ready then," Steve said as he stood. He paused the movement as the elevator dinged. A man with silky black hair in a pinstriped suit stepped out. Thor immediately engulfed the man in a giant bear hug.

"Brother!" he cried out in joy.

"Hello, brother," the other grunted as he tried to pry himself from the Avenger's grip.

"Oh my Thor," Spider-Man gulped under his breath. "Loki."

"How have you been, brother?"

"I'm well. And you?"

"I've been excited for you to come!"

"So I can see. Who's your new brightly-colored friend?"

Thor thundered up to Spider-Man and hoisted him to my feet. Despite his height, Thor never seemed very tall. But, in that moment he absolutely towered over the vigilante. The wall-crawler had never felt more inferior. "This is the Spider of Men."

"Spider-Man, actually," the boy corrected softly. "It's, uh, a pleasure to meet you, Loki."

"Likewise," the aforementioned god drawled.

"Well, Loki," Steve said, clearing his throat. "We actually have a debriefing with Fury in a few minutes that we need to prep for. Would you be okay keeping Spider-Man company while he takes his break?"

The god eyed the teen, and he did my best not to, well, cower. Hey, it wasn't everyday that he met the Asgardian who nearly brought the world to its knees. "Very well."

Overcome with fondness, Thor gave his brother one last goodbye hug. Clint waved as he left.

"So," Spider-Man squeaked, unsure of himself, "I thought you were supposed to be evil?"

Loki rolled his eyes. "It varies from moment to moment."

"On a scale of one to ten?"

"I'm a three right now, don't worry child."

The teen's shoulders slumped in obvious relief. "Oh okay, let me know if it gets above a six." Only a beat later did the words fully sink in. "Wait, child? What makes you think I'm a kid?"

"Oh, I don't know, everything about you? Do the Avengers not know? I'm surprised - it's pretty obvious."

"No! They don't know! For real, what gave it away?"

"I'm the god of mischief and lies. I know when I'm being lied to, and the second half of your name is very much a lie, Spider-Kid."

Spider-Man groaned, sliding back into his seat on the couch. "I stood no chance."

Loki nodded and sat down next to him. "Now, tell me child, what is it that you're taking a break from."


"Please elaborate."

"Well, I'm a superhero."

"An Avenger?"

"No, just kinda Avenger-adjacent. I fight off supervillains when they appear, but I also do daily patrols where I stop small crimes. Y'know, looking out for the little guy."


"Why not?"

The older man gave him an annoyed glare. "What got you into this?"

"It's a long story, actually," the vigilante sighed. "You sure you want to hear it?"

The Asgardian shrugged. "I've got time."


An hour later, Thor burst into the living room, all finished with the meeting. Spider-Man was nowhere to be found, but Loki was still sitting on the sofa, green swirling around his fingers in boredom. "Hello, Loki! Where is the Spider of Men?"

"Spider-Man," Loki corrected, "had to continue his patrol. In a few hours, I might join him."


"Maybe. It really is a sad how he came to realize their importance."

"What happened?"

"Did he never tell you why he's Spider-Man?" Thor shook his head. Loki smiled. The kid may have been skittish at first, but he ended up trusting him with a part of his past that he hadn't even mentioned to the self-righteous Thor. What an honor.

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