My Marvel Academia P4

501 26 16

Ah, yes, dodging explosions - exactly how Spider-Man wanted to spend his vacation in another time period.

"Die!" the diluted kid named Bakugo screamed with the full force of everything in his lungs and everything in his hands, too. Yeah, he could shoot explosions.

"Uh, no thank you!" Spider-Man yelped, dodging the blast and attaching a web to the blond's back, redirecting him. "Sorry, I'm not a big fan of explosive personalities!" Yeah, Spidey could've sworn he heard War Machine groan at that quip. He didn't know why - that one was golden!

His spider sense went off and he dodged a punch from behind, grabbing the fist and yanking his unknown opponent forward and webbing them to a wall. "Aw, man!" He was confident he heard a girl, but no one was there. Closer inspection would have revealed that she was invisible, but he was too busy leaping out of the way of being electrocuted to hold said inspection.

He dodged several attacks by a blond haired boy with a black streak in his hair thanks to his sixth sense. After a moment, the boy appeared to have exhausted himself, and so the vigilante webbed him up and kicked him to the ground so the webs would have a surface to attach to.

Spider-Man turned to face the others, who didn't seem to hasty to engage. Three down, sixteen to go.

"Keeping you distance? Don't tell me you're afraid of facing little old me?"

"At the very least, you have powers similar to the real deal," Deku observed, "so I think our caution is warranted."

"Oh please, I'm just one can of bug spray away from defeat. Besides, it's not like I've been able to refill my webshooters since yesterday!"

"Webshooters?" Deku repeated. He shared a wary glance with the other students.

"He can't stop all of us!" the redhead from earlier decided, charging ahead. As he ran, his skin hardened to a rocky texture. As the others began to close the gap, Spider-Man realized just how right he was. He couldn't take them all at once.

"I'm used to fighting the Sinister Six, not Sixteen!" Spider-Man squeaked, ducking under the redhead's punch and giving him a half strength elbow to the gut. The redhead tumbled back, so the vigilante secured him with webs before he could regain his bearings. The wall-crawler heard an engine roar, which seemed to come from the legs of a tall black-haired boy with glasses. So, Spider-Man did the only reasonable thing: he charged them. The engine kid met with him first, so the hero jumped, twisted, and took aim. Engine Kid jerked as the web connected his shoulder to the pavement.

A pink, yes her skin was pink, girl charged next, gliding towards Spider-Man on a thin layer of a mysterious liquid. That liquid turned out to be acid, which he learned the hard way as it splashed onto his forearm. Spider-Man recoiled violently at the pain, quick to get away to regroup himself. It was obvious that webbing her wouldn't be an option - she would escape without a hitch. That meant that he has the unfortunate task of knocking her out. So much for keeping things mostly nonviolent!

"Sorry, Pinkie, but it's pretty clear webs aren't an option here," Spider-Man called out in advance. Her black eyes widened comically as she understood the meaning of his words, but she didn't back down. Both ran at each other, and she got the opportunity to swing at him first. He dodged and forced himself not to winced as the occasional droplet of acid found its way seeping through his spandex. With one quick, but controlled kick to the head, she was out cold. "Sorry again. That's gonna leave a nasty headache."

Her classmates let Spider-Man step far away from her unconscious form before the next challenger approached. This particular challenger blasted at the vigilante with a beam of light coming from what appeared to be a large belt buckle in the midst of a knight-looking cosplay. Spider-Man dropped to the ground to dodge and rolled out of the way. Between dodging the repeated blasts, Spider-Man managed to web down the foot of a tailed student and the hand of a burly student with abnormally large lips. Hey, that's what you get when you don't pay enough attention!

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