Adulting 106

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Info: I did get asked to post it tonight rather than save it and have definite content tomorrow, so here it is:

Spider-Man texted the Avengers and let them know he would be a little late to the party because something in his civilian life was running later than intended. That was mainly because he made the decision to spill to Aunt May about his latest spider-related predicament. She thought it was hilarious and couldn’t get enough of it. He even filled her in on his latest run-in with the duo that was causing him so much trouble whilst dressed in his civies. The next thing he knew, she was giving him parenting advice and gave him a solution for when Natasha figured out he didn’t actually have a girlfriend in his day to day life holding him back from having a relationship with her. Overall, she gave better advice than MJ and Ned did after they finished laughing at his misfortune. 

Eventually, she went to bed, demanding details of the evening at a later date. Peter grabbed a white dress shirt and threw it on over his costume, slipping into a pair of black dress pants and shoes, sliding a belt through the pant loops. He had decided that whatever wrinkles he gained on the way there wouldn’t even compare to the amount his clothes would develop if he stuffed them in a backpack and swung with them smashed in there. Granted, he did bring a bag so he could patrol after the party. Or, better yet, he could leave early. But, he knew that Wanda and Natasha weren’t likely to leave him enough space in order to sneak off, so he didn’t bother to get his hopes up. 

Natasha was dressed in her stunning purple dress, as described in the previous part, and Wanda was dressed in a splendiferous red gown that wasn’t dissimilar to her Scarlet Witch outfit with her hair in a fishtail braid that added to her luxurious figure.

“Hey, Spidey,” Natasha greeted when she noticed the web-slinger making his usual appearance.

“Hey, Nat,” he returned, feigning wanting to be there. He took notice of the teenager standing just behind the assassin. “Oh, hey Wanda.”

“Hey, Dad.” 

Spider-Man hid his minor flinch well, seeing as no one seemed to notice. “How are your days going?”

“Pretty good. I met this boy named Peter today, he’s really intelligent and kind of funny,” Wanda gushed.

Clint walked past them with a smirk. “She won’t shut up about him! Someone’s in love!” Spider-Man was suddenly thankful that no one could see his red face.

Natasha laughed. “The two really hit it off. Probably helps that our girl saved the poor kid from some bullies. I think you two would get along.”

Of course we would get along, we’re the same person! Spider-Man thought grimly. “How old is this Peter?” he found himself asking. In his brain, he was replaying conversations he’d had with MJ when she described the look on her dad’s face when she told him for the first time that a guy had asked her out, purposefully withholding the information that she had turned him down until after she had drawn his face.

“He’s still in high school. I didn’t ask how old he is yet,” Wanda informed.

“And you’re interested in him?”

“I’m not sure yet, maybe? He’s smart and cute and has a great personality,” Wanda rambled. “His brown eyes are so big and innocent and his hair just looks so soft! Plus, he’s taking some pretty advanced classes this year! He gave me some tips for my Algebra 2 homework!”

“Well,” Spider-Man said before faltering. Was he really about to do this? He glanced behind the two ladies and saw Clint and Scott giving him a thumbs up, like they knew what he was thinking and totally agreed. He was about to cross the point of no return and if he got found out to be Peter after this, he might actually die from embarrassment. He remembered his conversation with his aunt and made up his mind. He was going to do it. He was really going to go through with it. “You should give me his number later, I’d like to talk to him.”

“You’re not going to give him ‘The Talk’ later, are you?”

“You’re making me feel old. Besides, he doesn’t need ‘The Talk’ until anything happens between you two. I just want to make sure he isn’t going to take advantage of you and your status as an Avenger.”

Wanda smiled up at him, happy that he wasn’t going to totally embarrass her and invade her space. “I’d appreciate that, thanks.” Behind her, the Dad Squad were grinning like idiots. He must’ve done it right then. Good. “I’m going to mingle a little bit, but I’ll write his number down and bring it by the end of the party.” Dang it! Just like that, she’s cornered him into staying the entire time because, in order to be ‘a good dad,’ he has to stay and collect. Something about the smirk on Natasha’s face said that she was banking on that happening. He scowled under the mask. The last thing he needed was to be a minor at a party full of drinking adults.

“Peter’s a good kid, I think he’ll be good for her.” Again? Now he couldn’t gradually remove his civilian self from her life, or even deem him unworthy, because Natasha freaking Romanoff approved of him.

Wait, Natasha Romanoff approved of him. Holy cow, he couldn’t wait to tell Ned!

A/N So, I guess that last note was a lil alarming to some of you and I'm touched, but you don't need to be crazy concerned or anything. (Granted, if you could keep me in your prayers for a few days that would mean the world). I just have a lot going on and it's been stressing me out, but I'm going to drop something soon (most likely). I'm usually good in high-stress situations, but some jerks put a note on my car hence why it's coming to an early climax. But, everything's getting taken care of and it'll all be okay in the end.

Idk if I felt the need to write an "it's okay note" to convince myself or you guys, but there it is.

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