(USM) The Truth About Spider-Man

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Info: Ultimate Spider-Man Universe where the Ultimates don't know Spider-Man's secret identity...

Doc Oc was really getting on the Ultimates' nerves one fateful Sunday afternoon. I mean, come on! Who else woyld even think about using temporary species gene modifications to turn innocent New Yorkers into raging snake monsters?

"Y'know," Spider-Man grinned as hw dodged a bite from a snake-man, "I had to do a project on snake growth wat back in middle school." He webbed a snake-woman to the ground. "I had to do it all in inches, seeing as snakes don't have any feet!" He leapt up to try and get closer to the evil doctor, but a serpent bit his foot on his way up. "Trying to kill me in cold blood, I see!"

White Tiger groaned at his antics before delivering a swift punch to her slithering foe.

"Oh, save it! You know I'm hisssssterical!"

"Be serious, Webs," Nova hollered as he shook off two snakes, expertly avoiding being bitten. "This isn't some low-level villain. You need to focus!"

"Haters gonna hate," Spiderman shrugged webbing up a snake who had shattered his teeth trying to bite Power-Man. "A snake walked into a bar-"

Groans all around, even from Doc Oc himself.

"-and the bartender said, 'how did you do that?'"

"Would you shut it, you annoying bug?!" Oc howled.

"Sheesh, no need throw a hissy fit. Besides, I'm an arachnid, you know this Doc!" The said arachnid hero attempted a kick at the villain, only to have his foot caught, which was precisely what his plan was.

"I see you've been bit. You know, my creations are venomous," Oc gloated. Spider-Man shot a web to his face.

"Sure they are. I feel fine!"

"It's not that type of venom," Doc Oc mumbled beneath the layer of webs on his face. Power-Man came up behind with Iron Fist, delivering a hard blow and breaking the arm that Oc tried to use to defend himself. Another blinding layer of webs was shot and the evil mastermind dropped his arachnid prey. Nova and White Tiger joined in, quickly overpowering their enemy. Once he was knocked out, Spider-Man webbed him down for good measure.

"You guys wrapped that up pretty well," Spider-Man beamed, genuinely proud of his team.

"Yeah, but do you have to make quips every two seconds?" White Tiger whined.

"It's how I hide my fear," Spider-Man shrugged. He froze. "I mean, the jokes  help me cope with my horrible past." His team glanced at him quizzically. "Uh," he chuckled nervously.

Doc chuckled as he came to. "I knew I wouldn't be able to beat you and your team while my Sinister Six are out of commission."

"So?" Nova scoffed.

"So I created the venom in my minions in order to extract information during our fight," he continued. "A truth serum, if you want to call it that."

"Well, my life is screwed," Spider-Man groaned.

"Please, Webs, it isn't the end of the world," Nova smirked. "We just get to hear some embarrassing stories, that's all."

"I live a double-life, Bucket Head!" Spider-Man growled. "I can't just lie my way out of it, like I can every other time I get injured!" He hung his head. "I'm an idiot. A stupid, irresponsible idiot."

The Ultimates exchanged glances. Was this how their 'fearless' leader saw himself?

"C'mon, Webs," Nova sighed, setting his hand on his teammate's shoulder. "I'm sure Fury will think of something to clear this up. And you aren't a total idiot, Webhead."

"You're just saying that to cheer me up," the arachnid hero sighed, brushing off the comfort. "I know you don't mean it."

"Spider-Man," Nick Fury greeted. The team looked up and noticed the Helicarrier lurking above them. "Report?"

"Well, Doc Oc injected a ton of civilians with what we think is a temporary mutation. They are venomous. I got bit, actually. He was planning on interrogating us during the fight, so I guess I can't lie right now," Spider-Man explained. "I'm not sure how long it lasts, but I don't think it's a good idea to resume with my civilian life until it's out of my system."

Fury nodded. "I'll have Agent Coulson cover for you. You need to visit Doctor Connors ASAP so we can figure out how long your other half is going off the grid."

"Thanks, Nick," Spider-Man said wearily. "I'll head up there now." He spun a web and mounted it onto the the bottom of the Helicarrier. He flicked his wrist and shot up into the air, the concerned looks of his teammates following behind him.

"So, the Webhead isn't as happy as we thought," Nova observed.

"Spider-Man has been through a lot," Fury agreed. "I was actually surprised when we met and he acted like the majority of his family hadn't died within his lifetime."

"I guess he has a valid reason to be all depressed on the inside then," Nova relented.

"I can't believe he didn't tell us about his family," Power-Man thought aloud.

"It probably isn't an easy topic," White Tiger concluded.

"As that may be," Iron Fist commented, "the pressure behind a dam can only increase with time."


Spider-Man arrived in the Med-Bay minutes later, only to be greeted by Doctor Connors. "Hey, Spidey! You doing okay? Need a checkup?"

"Uh, something like that," the Webhead admitted. "I got injected with a truth venom-serum-thing and I need to know how long it'll be stuck in my system. Also, please refrain from asking questions that might call for personal answers. I can't really filter anything right now, so..." he trailed off.

"Got it, no questions if possible," the doctor nodded as he grabbed a needle and took a sample of the superteen's blood. After a few minutes of analysis he looked up.

"Well, what's it gonna be, Doc? I'm not stuck like this, am I?" Spidey chuckled, only partially afraid that the joke would be the truth.

Connors shook his head with a smile. "A normal person would be looking at about a month. With your hypermetabolism, you should burn through it sometime on Friday, although I'd like you to stay the weekend to be sure."

Spider-Man groaned. "Was it wrong to have hoped it was a 24 hour thing at the max?" His friend just chuckled and patted his shoulder as he walked past him.

"I'll give Fury and Coulson a heads up for you."

"Thanks, I appreciate it. Mind if I mess around in the lab? I've got some projects I'd like to work on!"

"Go ahead, Spidey."

I'm planning on continuing this.

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