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Jennie fluttered her eyes open when she noticed how the other side of the bed was empty once more. Her hand reached for the empty space and her fingers grazed at the cold sheets. With a quiet sigh, she sat up and decided to search for her missing husband.

Jennie was actually thankful that the house that their parents have given them contained all the luxuries she had been living with, but then, it was only after she got married that she realized that the price she had to pay was the distance that the big space had created between them. She knew that she should be blaming herself and not the house for the distant behaviour of Taehyung, but then, having a big house meant Taehyung having greater opportunities to avoid her.

But Jennie loves Taehyung too much that she takes notice of every little thing about him, so even before she begun seeking, she instantly knew where he was. Her frail hand slowly turned the door knob and she was careful for the door not to make any sound as she entered his office-like-room. The room was actually serving its purpose well, providing a comfortable spot for Taehyung so that he could continue his office work at home, but then lately, Jennie had observed that he was also sleeping in the same room.

Since the day that Taehyung knew about her pregnancy and the night that he came home sobbing, Jennie had noticed that he had refused to share the same bed with her again. She knew that Taehyung was never talkative around her, but since that night too, his words also became the rarest gems for Jennie.

With catlike steps, she walked towards the male who slept in front of his desk. She halted by the sofa and grabbed the blanket which she could guess was brought by Taehyung nights before. The sight of a glass and a bottle of wine were not also left unnoticed by Jennie. She knew that Taehyung was never an alcoholic, but ever since that night too, she knew how alcohol seemed to have befriended him.

With the most careful movements, she wrapped him in the blanket and she held her breath as Taehyung stirred and mumbled,

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Da."

Jennie let out another quiet sigh before crouched downward in order to see his face more clearly. He had become so distant that seeing his face up close also became a rare moment for Jennie. Just a few days and she had terribly missed Taehyung. But then a sad smile formed on her lips as she reached for the corner of his eyes and her thumb cautiously brushed away the tears that have accumulated.

"You're crying again," she whispered.

She then turned to look at his computer and saw that instead of multiple tabs of documents, excels, graphs, websites and so on, his screen was actually full of his pictures and Dahyun's. She bit her lower lip as an enlarged picture was able to freeze the biggest and most genuine smile she had seen from Taehyung and it was already clear enough that it was brought by the girl who was with him in the photo, kissing him in the cheeks. Another sad smile grazed Jennie's lips as her hand reached to cup Taehyung's face and she whispered,

"If you could just learn to love me back, then, everything would become a lot simpler."


"Aigoo, where would this poor little boy sleep?" Mrs. Kim cooed as she looked at Jungkook in pity and the boy just replied with a small smile.

"Please, mom. Jungkook isn't a poor little boy anymore. You shouldn't worry about him. He could sleep at the living room," Dahyun retorted and glared at the male, signalling him not to show even a hint of protest.

"But it's cold here and we only have three heaters for each of the room," Mrs. Kim replied.

After a moment of thinking, Dahyun then answered, "Then give him mine for now."

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