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Dahyun took a final glance at her apartment. Everything was already well-arranged as if it was already ready to welcome her back at any moment. Sighing, her gaze then fell on her two big luggages and to the dog who just stared at her in adornment. She gave a little smile to Ari before carrying her up.

"I just couldn't leave you, could I?" she mumbled and the puppy just wagged its tail at her. She then added, "Let's go home."

With the puppy sleeping on her lap, the familiar road started unfolding in front of Dahyun's eyes. The bridges, the trees, and even the sky had been telling her that she was running away from the city life and going back to the serenity of the countryside.

But as she closed her eyes, she thought of the faces that she had longed seeing: her twin siblings, her mother and probably some of their friends and good neighbours. She felt herself getting sleepy, but right now, she had encouragement to wake up. She was more than looking forward to getting a taste of air, at the very least, to breathe life.

"Miss, is it this place?" the deep voice awakened Dahyun.

Fluttering her eyes open, the sight outside the window made her heart skip a beat. She glanced back at the driver and nodded before paying her fare. As soon as she went out of the cab, a familiar figure riding on a bike towards their house had already seen her.

"Noona?" the male asked, squinting.

"Hyunjin!" Dahyun greeted and waved with a very big smile.

Acknowledging her, the male bowed before rushing towards her and giving her a quick hug. Afterwards, the male started bombarding her with questions, "How are you? What's with the sudden visit? How long are you staying?"

Dahyun reached his forehead and ruffled his fringe before chuckling, "Why don't you help me with my things first?"

"Ah," the male gasped and sheepishly scratched the back of his neck before complying.

Just then, the front door of their house opened and revealed two familiar females. One of them scolded Hyunjin, "Hey! You're late!"

But then, Hyunjin pointed to his right which got the other one screaming, "Mooooom! Unniiii is hereeeeee!"

Both Chaeryeong and Chaeyeon also helped her with the luggage with Chaeryeong also taking Ari from her grasp. Their eyes were still screaming shock but at the same time they were filled with happiness as they were reunited with their sister once again. Perhaps the joy was so overwhelming that unlike Hyunjin, the two suddenly fell into silence. However, it didn't take long before an older female came rushing towards the front door, and the sight of her mother's face was already enough to melt Dahyun's heart.

"Mom," she mumbled before her mother smiled at her and enveloped her in a warm embrace. Feeling her limbs around her, Dahyun wanted to cry right then and there but then she heard her mom whisper, "Let's go inside first. It's going to be a long conversation."

Dahyun nodded with a grateful smile.

But even before her mother had released her from the hug, her mother asked, "Why don't you invite your friend to come inside our house?"

"What?" she asked back, confused.

Her mother then pointed towards a direction behind her, and turning, Dahyun found another familiar figure.

Widening her eyes, she muttered, "What is Jungkook doing here?"

Dahyun squinted and crossed her arms over her chest as Jungkook hesitantly and slowly walked towards their direction. She was still staring at him when he formally bowed in front of her family and greeted, "Good afternoon. I'm Jeon Jungkook."

"Good afternoon," it was her mom who greeted back with a warm smile, "You must be tired from the journey. Please do come in."

Jungkook instantly flashed back a beam as he slowly nodded in reply but then a complaint slipped from Dahyun's lips, "Mom."

Her voice was rather firm that it had halted everyone from going inside their house. Mrs. Kim looked back at her daughter, raised an eyebrow and asked, "Why?"

"This guy..." she started with a creased forehead, and it was supposed to be followed by 'should not be here' but then when she glanced at Jungkook and saw his pleading eyes, she mumbled instead, "...is my new co-worker in the company."

"Hmmm," Mrs. Kim nodded but the questioning look was still on her face, as if urging her to continue. However, when Dahyun still didn't add anything to what she has said, she asked instead, "Isn't he with you?"

Dahyun gazed at Jungkook once more and the boy bit his lower lip at the question. Dahyun also saw a slight hint of fear in his face but there's overwhelming plea in his gaze.

"Yes. He's with me," Dahyun said after a defeated sigh.

She didn't want to lie to her mother and she honestly wanted Jungkook to explain right then and there, but then, everything that the boy has done for her flashed at the back of her mind.

"Then, let's all go in," her mom concluded and as all of them set foot in the place, she had also dispersed orders to the younger three, "Hyunjin, take Dahyun's things upstairs. Chaeryeong and Chaeyeon, go fix your sister's room. I'm actually almost done preparing dinner."

"I'll help you mom," Dahyun tried to volunteer.

But Mrs. Kim replied, "No. Go sit there in the living room with your friend. You two must be tired."

"Mom, I can even fix my room for myself," she insisted but then her mother faked a glare at her, followed by a shake of the head in disapproval.

"Why don't you sit there and just follow your mother's orders? Hmmm?" Mrs. Kim said with an evident tone of their dialect.

Dahyun smiled at her for faking anger just so they could treat her as a princess at home. She nodded in reply, and before she had seen Mrs. Kim go to the kitchen, she watched as she tapped Jungkook's shoulder, mumbling, "Feel at home."

At the mention of the word 'home', Dahyun took the time to have her eyes feast on the environment she was in. The old house was small, with only a few steps separating each division but it was noticeable how the living room took a big space of the small area, and Dahyun's lips curved into a small smile as memories of her and her siblings playing with her late father flashed right before her. Like an excited kid, she walked to the biggest sofa, climbed on it and reached for the window's frame. The mix of dark blue and orange sky painted with slightly reddish clouds welcomed her sight and as she closed her eyes, she took a good amount of fresh air.

Her let out a big and genuine smile upon the acknowledgement of being at a nostalgic place: Home.

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