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"So what does super amazing boyfriend does for a living?" Jungkook interrogated.

Dahyun spared him a lazy look before answering, "He runs a company."

"Ahhhh... so he really is super amazing," Jungkook nodded.

"Would you stop calling him 'super amazing boyfriend' already?"

"But you should be proud of him! He's handsome, rich and kind!" he argued.

"I am proud of him," Dahyun said with confidence, "But he has a name so you could start calling him with his name."

Jungkook grinned before leaning on her desk as he asked, "So how did you meet Taehyung-ssi?"

"Taehyung's a sunbae back in high school," she answered.

"Sunbae?" Jungkook asked further, "So why don't you call him oppa?"

"I stopped calling him oppa when we started dating," Dahyun replied and she found herself lost in a trance, "It was my way to differentiate my feelings for him as a big brother and as a man."

"Ahhhh," Jungkook nodded again, "So how long have you two been dating?"

"Nearly six years," she mumbled.

"Wow! Congratulations!" he clapped, "Why don't the two of you get married yet?"

As soon as Dahyun heard those words, her hand stopped typing. She licked the bottom of her lip before sighing. She then looked back at Jungkook who was confused by her sudden silence.

"Why am I even talking to you?" she asked. She knew that the safest way for her to avoid the conversation was to ask that question. She faked a scoff in frustration as she added, "Isn't your break done yet? Go back."

Realizing that she was purposely avoiding talking to him, Jungkook stood up and mumbled, "Okay."

She looked back at her laptop and started typing once more until a voice broke her focus. But this time, it was not Jungkook's but Daehwi's.

"So he already knew Taehyung."

"What are you doing here, oppa?" Dahyun tried to drive him away in the most polite manner she could muster. Talking to him again about Taehyung was the last on her to-do-list.

"When did Jungkook start knowing about Taehyung?"

It was not a conversation she could easily avoid so she answered, "They met last Friday night."

"Have you told him, then?" Daehwi asked and his voice was full of concern.

"I don't plan on telling him anything at all," Dahyun said without even sparing a glance at the male. 

"Well, I am so sorry," Daehwi replied with a hint of sarcasm on his voice as he walked in front of Dahyun. Dahyun finally stopped to look at him and the male threw a letter at her desk as he said, "I think you should start on planning now."

Dahyun bit her lower lip as she looked at the content of the paper. She heard Daehwi's sigh and the screeching of the chair in front of her; she then looked at him with eyes that pleaded to help her.

"I can't do anything about that," Daehwi shrugged his shoulders, "The main branch had already spoken. They want him as our model for this year. By the end of the year, he would then also finish his probationary period as an editor."

She closed her eyes and whispered, "It's still not sure if he'll accept it."

"Of course, he will!" Daehwi answered and sighed as he added, "You can't deny it, Da. He's going to be a permanent part of our group now."

"I know," she nodded, "I'll tell him then."

Daehwi smiled and nodded in approval but Dahyun added, "But right after he signs the contract."

"Okay," Daehwi shrugged, "You're the one who's going to accompany him on the contract-signing, anyways."


"Why does it have to be at a restaurant?" Dahyun asked in the air, "It should've been just in the main office."

"Miya wanted to treat you two to lunch," Daehwi answered, "You're going on a cab anyways so you should stop worrying on getting lost."

"Fine," Dahyun nodded, "But where's Jungkook?"

"Present!" Jungkook said as he went out of the dressing room with Mina and Sejeong who were both smiling from ear to ear. He was wearing a formal suit with a white polo underneath matched with black pants. She looked at him from head to toe and Dahyun was afraid to admit that he looked gorgeous in his clothes with his hair combed back.

"I'm handsome, I know," Jungkook said to break the silence that formed when he went out.

Dahyun rolled her eyes and was about to retort when Jimin came.

"The cab's already there."

"Thank you, oppa," Dahyun smiled at him before turning to Jungkook and saying, "Let's go."

Both of them rode the cab before Jungkook asked, "So where are we going?"

Dahyun smiled at him before answering, "To a five-star restaurant."

"Woaahhh," Jungkook said in awe before looking at Dahyun from head to toe.

She was wearing a black dress that hugged her torso perfectly and flowed from her waist to an inch above her knees. Dahyun glared at him for staring at her but Jungkook smirked in return.

"You look gorgeous. I really envy super amazing boyfriend."

She bit back a smile before getting her earphones and Jungkook understood that he was supposed to remain quiet for the whole ride. Fortunately for him, the driver was one of the talkative ones and Dahyun hated to admit that Jungkook's and the driver's conversation was entertaining to listen to. Instead, she acted like she was listening to music while staring outside the window.

When the cab halted and the two went out to be greeted by the prestigious restaurant, Dahyun's phone had started ringing. She answered it as they walked in.

"Hello. Miya unni? What? We need to change place? Why? But we're already here."

She looked around and already found Miya. She then said over the phone, "Let's just do it here. I can already see you."

But as she was about to end the call, her eyes landed on the people seated several tables away from Miya. She bit her lower lip as her eyes met Miya's again, worry written in both pair of orbs.

"Isn't that Taehyung-ssi over there?" Jungkook spoke, "Why is he with a girl?"

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