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Dahyun ran as fast as she could, not wanting to be caught up by the male but as the painful scenes flashbacked in her mind, her whole body started getting weak. 

Her legs felt wobbly so she halted and tried to catch up her breath only to break up crying in the middle of the street. She started hitting her chest as the pain became more and more suffocating. 

It was her decision yet it was a decision that also broke her apart.

As if the weather was playing with her, little drops of rain started to fall on the pavement.

Knowing that the rain would conceal her tears, she cried harder. She crossed her arms and buried her face on them. Winter was coming and the spring rain could freeze her to death but then she thought that it was no use. A part of her already died at that confrontation. She had no time to care for anyone's opinion of her at the moment. All she wanted to do was pour all her emotions out, hoping that it would at least ease some of the pain.

To her dismay, the rain stopped falling down on her but she was confused when she still heard the rain's pit-a-patting round. Raising her head, she realized that an umbrella was over her and a male stood in front of her, towering over her height.

Seeing a familiar figure had momentarily halted her crying. He reached a hand towards her, and taking it, she stood up.

"Jungkook," she said his name with a weak and broken voice.

The male then brushed some strands of her hair from her face.

With an assuring smile, he told her, "I'm here. You could resume crying now."

Without thinking, she threw herself over him and wrapped her arms around his body. She desperately needed someone to hold on to, and fortunately, Jungkook was there yet again. She clenched on his shirt as she started crying once more. Jungkook continued holding the umbrella over them but his other arm wrapped around her protectively. 

"It hurts," she complained with a sob.

"You're okay," he replied, "Maybe not now. But eventually, you will be. You're going to be okay."

"I've hurt him too," she sobbed again.

And for that, Jungkook found no answer.


Dahyun didn't want to get out of her bed. It was a holiday and with nothing left to do, she knew that she would surely sulk and her mind would again be occupied by the scenes of Taehyung breaking apart. 

However, she had slept long enough that she feared it would also cause her headache. The least she wanted was to be sick – an aching heart was already too much to handle. 

She grabbed her phone from the sheets and called Mina and Sejeong, asking them to hang-out with her. Unfortunately, they already had plans with their family. If they knew that she ended everything with Taehyung formally, they would have said yes but Dahyun didn't want them to dump their families for what she thought were her selfish motives.

Lazily dragging herself to the bathroom, she started to think if she should just sleep again, but as she grabbed her purple toothbrush, the green toothbrush beside it caught her attention and again, she found herself drowning in the thoughts of him. As she remembered the tears that continuously flowed from Taehyung's eyes that day, there was a sharp pain in her chest. 

She didn't want him to be hurt or worse, to make pieces of him scatter on the ground but it was a must. There was no way she could end their relationship without letting their world crumble apart.

Before exiting the bathroom, she grabbed the green toothbrush and with a heavy sigh, she threw it onto her bed. Then, she found herself rummaging through the contents of her cabinet and pulling out Taehyung's clothes. One by one, she started collecting his personal items that were still in her apartment, piling them on or beside her bed. 

Into a box went his house slippers, his towel, his toothbrush, his socks, his shoes – it was as if she was erasing every trace of Taehyung from her apartment.

But every time she would put an item onto the box, she felt like she was also losing a part of herself, little by little.

The task seemed so simple yet so heavy.

"You could always start over again," she told herself repeatedly, "You must start over again."

But as her hand grabbed his favorite shirt, she suddenly stopped convincing herself. She forced herself to fold it but she couldn't find the guts to do so. A bitter smile crossed her lips as she closed her eyes and all she could imagine were the times they spent together in her apartment.

In the kitchen, she used to find Taehyung, still with his unkempt hair, cooking their breakfast. She remembered how his voice sounded like when he would shout that the food's already ready. She remembered how she would try to sneak and suddenly hug him from behind but she knew too, how all this time, Taehyung just pretended to be oblivious of her presence and just wait until he could feel her warmth with her body pressed against his.

She remembered how they used to shower together in the bathroom or how Taehyung would suddenly bump her teasingly while she was brushing her teeth. She remembered how both of them would smile at each other in the mirror even with those tiny bubbles in their mouth. She remembered how they would also run around the apartment like kids and how they cuddled on the sofa as they watched their favorite shows. 

All the memories of him remain vivid in her mind.

But that was everything that they could be — memories.

She hugged his shirt towards her and bit her lip hard. 

Her body crashed onto the bed as short sobs left her mouth. With tears still flowing down her cheeks, she whispered, "It was your decision to let go, Kim Dahyun. Bear with it."


AN: Hello. Nothing much in this chapter. Just feelings ajdhasdhadk. Also, I recently launched a drabble request thing in twitter for Valentines. Haha. Please check my account! I have the same username there (louieistrash). The instructions for requesting a drabble is pinned in my profile and if you want to check my other works posted in twitter, just check moments! No need to follow me, you can just browse through the content since my profile is public hehe.  Thank youuuu

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