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"Da," a voice called her name. She fluttered her eyes open as she felt another shook.

"Oh, oppa," she whispered.

"Would you please at least pretend that you're not disappointed because it's me who woke you up?" Jimin chuckled.

Dahyun yawned and stretched her arms before saying, "I fell asleep while waiting for their response from the pictures. Why are you so early?"

"Your boyfriend woke me up with a call and told me that he spotted you alone in the office," Jimin said as he went to his own desk and dropped his things, "He kept pestering me to accompany you."

"Sorry," she mumbled before giggling because of Taehyung's thoughtfulness. Then, she suddenly gasped and asked, "Wait. What? He spotted me?"

"Hmmm," Jimin nodded as he spun in his chair, "Who do you think would put that breakfast on your table?"

She widened her eyes before her gaze softened upon finding a cup of coffee and carp bread on her table. She smiled as she also saw a message that came with it saying,

"To: Dahyun

Work hard but don't forget to take care of yourself. Good luck.

From: Taehyung

PS. Reheat them before eating."

She giggled once again as she kept the note and took the food with her to their small dining room. As she waited for the microwave, she was smiling to herself because Taehyung just knew how to start her day right.

"Oppa, did you eat?" Dahyun asked as she returned to her desk with what seemed like a freshly made breakfast.

"I did. Just suit yourself," Jimin replied with a smile, "Hey. How did Jungkook's evaluation as an editor go?"

"Unfortunately, he did well," Dahyun sighed.

Jimin chuckled before saying, "Out of reasons to reject him then."

Dahyun pouted before nodding, "Actually, Mina unni had already informed him that he could start with his probationary period as an editor by next week."

She took a sip of coffee before pressing her laptop's power button on. She checked their mail once again and her eyes glowed in delight upon seeing that there was already a reply.

"What did it say?" Jimin asked, noticing the change in emotion in Dahyun's face.

"It says he's accepted as our model too."

"Wow. This will be really convenient for us," Jimin exclaimed, "We would not have any trouble of chasing our model when he works here as an editor too."

"I don't know," Dahyun shrugged, "Everything seems to be too good to be true."

"Maybe you can just thank the heavens for giving you a miracle in the form of Jungkook," Jimin grinned, teasing Dahyun further.


She was left with the three males since Mina and Sejeong had to leave earlier to prepare the essentials for the next shoot.

"I don't understand why Daehwi likes him so much," she whispered to Jimin as she noticed how Daehwi was casually talking with Jungkook.

"Well, for your information, we don't understand why you hate him so much," Jimin replied making Dahyun sigh in frustration.

"Never mind," she shook her head, "For now, I just want to go to a place where he's not there."

"Dahyunnie, are you taking a cab?" Daehwi asked making both her and Jimin turn.

"I'm saving money," she answered as she tied her hair in a messy bun, "School is so near."

"Then, are you going to take the train?" Jimin questioned.

"Hmmm," Dahyun nodded with a smile.

"I will too!" Jungkook suddenly interrupted with a wide smile, "I regularly take the train to get me home."

"Ahhhh," Daehwi nodded with another mischievous smile and linked his arm with Jimin. "Then you two should go together."

Dahyun widened her eyes yet again but when she was about to complain, Daehwi had already started dragging Jimin away. She grunted as she looked at the male beside her who just sheepishly scratched the back of his neck after they were left alone.

She tried walking faster, maintained proper distance, and exhausted all avenues to avoid the male but they still ended up being seated together in the train. She buried her face in her hand for she never felt so frustrated in just one day.

"So, are you still schooling?"

Dahyun raised her eyebrow as she asked back, "Why did you suddenly drop the formalities?"

"Well, uhm," Jungkook smiled awkwardly, "Daehwi hyung told me that we're just of the same age. We're even born in the same year."

"Daehwi, I don't know the game you want to play right now," Dahyun whispered, inaudible for Jungkook. When she did not reply, Jungkook repeated the question,

"So are you still going to school?"

"No," she answered. "I'm preparing for my siblings."

"Do they live with you?"

"No. They're studying high school in Busan."

"Then do you live alone?"


"Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Am I in an interview?" she asked back.,"I was not informed."

"Am I asking too much?" Jungkook replied in a question.

Dahyun just gave him a disapproving look before saying, "Why am I even talking to you?"

She then motioned that she was zipping her mouth, telling Jungkook that she was not willing to have a conversation with him.

"If you don't want to talk, then I will," Jungkook whispered, "I know you have no choice but to hear what I'll say since you're beside me."

She sighed and laid her back on her seat, closing her eyes as she pretended that she was not listening, but as Jungkook talked more about himself, Dahyun slowly learned to enjoy the way he talked with so much enthusiasm.

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