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Dahyun's hold on Jungkook tightened as they suddenly became the subjects of everyone's attention. They were bombarded by compliments, welcomed with claps, smiles and the flashing lights of cameras.

Not knowing what to do, Dahyun just kept her gorgeous smile on her lips but as she glanced at Jungkook, the male was doing well posing and smiling for the cameras and politely bowing at the people.

She suddenly remembered Daehwi's words: models indeed need confidence.

Fortunately, the attention then shifted to the arrival of Tiffany. Everyone then couldn't help but smile and admire the gorgeousness of the woman on the podium.

But Tiffany wouldn't be Tiffany without giving spice to Dahyun's night.

In her speech, she revealed, "I'm eternally indebted to all of you for being my inspiration in this winter collection, but for tonight, there are two groups of people I would like to specially mention."

The spotlight was then on them – Dahyun, Jungkook and Tiffany's co-workers – and on another group gathered in a small circle, Tiffany's family.

At that moment, the words that followed and escaped Tiffany's lips already fell on Dahyun's deaf ears because despite the sea of people between them, she and Taehyung managed to make eye contact which made it seem like they were just inches apart.

Despite the meters that separated them in reality, Dahyun saw how Taehyung's orbs reflected sadness and longing but then she noticed how the corner of his lips lifted and Dahyun could only mirror the sad smile that played on his lips.

She only snapped back from her trance when the crowd suddenly clapped signalling that Tiffany's speech had already ended.

The next thing she knew, she was dragged by Jungkook to the centre of the hall and the music started playing. As other people crowded up the centre of the hall, her confusion grew.

She asked Jungkook, "What are we doing?"

"Were you not listening?" Jungkook asked back, "This is the way that Tiffany warms up the party – by a Mixer Dance."

"Mixer Dance?" Dahyun asked, trying to remember why the term sounds so familiar.

"Dancing in waltz while changing partners," Jungkook answered. He then put his hands on her waist and mocked her, "Why? Don't you know how to dance?"

Dahyun rolled her eyes before snaking her hands to his neck. She replied proudly, "Just so you know, I was the homecoming queen when I was in high school."

"Really?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow. He smirked as he added, "Let's test your dancing skills then."

In a split second, Jungkook was then swaying her left and right and accepting the challenge, Dahyun matched his skills. Her gown would brush the floor from time to time but the smile on their lips didn't falter. In the first spin they made, they found themselves laughing. In the second spin, she found herself landing on a stranger's arms.

She knew that the Mixer Dance was supposed to make the guests socialize with each other and fortunately, Dahyun had managed to gather courage and confidence before the night. She was able to converse with prominent people and some offered her jobs to be their official model, but she politely declined saying it was not her forte. Often, before anyone could convince her, it was already time to change partners.

Every now and then, she would also glance at Jungkook and she could only shake her head as she could see that the male was having a good time swooning girl's hearts with his charms.

But no matter how much Dahyun readied herself, she knew that she would always be unprepared for an encounter with one person.

Kim Taehyung.

For a moment, they just stared at each other. Dahyun was frozen on her spot, not knowing how to treat a man whose heart was just broken by her. But with a sigh, it was Taehyung who took the initiative. He walked closer towards her, softly grabbed her hand and placed it on his neck before he silently snaked his hands on her waist.

Both of them closed their eyes as they slowly swayed with the music.

With the familiar feeling of his hands against her body, Dahyun could feel that the world around her was starting to disappear. She couldn't hear anything but the erratic beating of her heart. She savoured every trace of him on her – even the simple feeling of his breath fanning on her face.

It was as if the moment was theirs and theirs alone.

But the moment that they both wished to last forever ended when the music faded. Taehyung didn't want to let her go so it was Dahyun who removed her hands from his and took a step back.

However, before she walked away from him, he noticed how she blinked away her tears.

The night then went on with foods, and drinks and occasional talks with others and fortunately, Jungkook was with her to facilitate the conversations because ever since the dance, her mind would always go back to the moment that she and Taehyung shared.

It was hard not to remember because she knew that he was just around the corner with his wife holding his arm.

The night then became longer than she expected it to be so when the lights were turned off for the runway, Dahyun took the chance to leave.

"Where are you going?" Jungkook held her wrist.

"I'll just get a bit of fresh air," she tried to smile.

"I'll go with you," he volunteered.

"No. Others are still waiting for a chance to talk to you. This event is a good opportunity for you," she told him, pertaining to the way people expressed their interest to work with him. Assuring him, she added, "Don't worry. I'll be back."

Convinced, Jungkook nodded with a smile and told her to take care.

Being trapped in the same place with Taehyung and Jennie and pretending she didn't know them just made her feel suffocated. Thus, when Dahyun got out of the hall, she walked aimlessly and looked for another place to stay; fortunately, there was a lighted garden to shelter her confused soul. She opened the door and the cold breeze of the wind quickly welcomed her.

Even before she could lose herself in another trance, she heard the door click and as she turned, she was suddenly trapped in an embrace.

She then whispered the name that now sounded bitter in her lips.


But as she said his name, the male just hugged her tighter.

With eyes closed, he asked her a favour: "Just for tonight... can we pretend that we're still together and we're still in love?"

Taehyung's voice then broke as he added, "And after that... After tonight, I promise I'd let you go."

She mumbled, "You're crazy."

"For you, I am," Taehyung retorted.

"Someone might see us," Dahyun tried to argue but didn't try to escape from his grasp, "There are many reporters here."

"They're all inside. No one would see us," Taehyung argued back. He then broke the hug but still held her shoulders as he looked onto her eyes and said, "Let's enjoy this night as if we have every right to be together and to be in love. Let's spend the next hours not thinking about anything or anyone else. Let's act like nothing matters in this world but us."

The happiness and the hope that shone in Taehyung's eyes made everything difficult for Dahyun especially when those orbs shouted plead as he whispered, "Give me this one last wish, please?"

With a small smile, she nodded and the next thing she knew, they were running – running away from everything that prevented them to be together.

AN: Happy Valentines to every fragile heart who just wants to be loved!!!

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