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Only the tapping of the pen on the table would replace the silence that echoed in the whole office. A few screeches from the tables and the chairs, and clanking of some objects would resonate every now and then, but words remained muffled in each of their mouths. Giving up, it was Sejeong who spoke first.

"It's been two days since she took a break," she sighed.

"Let her be. She needs a good rest," Jimin mumbled as he distracted himself with the pictures he was lay-outing.

The pen-tapping then subsided and was replaced by Mina's voice, "But leaving her on her own might be a bad idea. Somehow... this is making me nervous."

"Why don't we check her in her apartment?" Sejeong asked with a worried voice.

"Apparently, someone has already beaten you up in that idea," Daehwi interrupted. All eyes were then on him as he said, "Jungkook informed me a while ago that he'd pass by her apartment first before going here."

Even before anyone could retort to Daehwi's words, Sejeong's phone started ringing aloud, garnering everyone's attention. Sejeong immediately reached for it, seeing from afar that Jungkook's name flashed on the screen. However, even before her officemates could hear her greet the person on the other line, they already saw confusion being written on her face.

"Jungkook, calm down," Sejeong said. "I can't understand anything that you're saying. What happened to Dahyun?"

"Put him on loudspeaker," Jimin suggested and the female quickly complied.

Just then, Jungkook's voice from the other line said, "I-I don't know what happened b-but she wouldn't wake up so I called for an emergency."

Horror was quickly painted onto the four faces hearing that Dahyun might be in a possible danger. Their hearts raced and Sejeong could only cover her mouth in shock while Daehwi vented out his frustration and worry on Mina.

"Mina, tell us now," he said sternly, dropping all the formalities for the elder and furthermore, asking in a yell, "What happened five days ago?! Why is Dahyun acting like this?!"

The tone and the loudness of his voice made Mina flinch in panic that she ended up blabbering, "Jennie's pregnant. T-Taehyung's wife is pregnant."

"I am going to beat that guy up," Daehwi uttered with teeth clenched in anger.

Sejeong bit her fingernails, not knowing how to deal with two revelations at the same time while Jimin seemed the most calm, asking Jungkook who was still on the line,

"Where are you?"

"In an ambulance on its way to the city hospital," he answered.


"Her refusal to eat and drink had taken a toll on her body."

The doctor's words echoed in their ears, but Daehwi's heart still couldn't calm down. His fingers were clenching each other and his eyes were shut tight as he stiffly sat down on the bench outside Dahyun's hospital room. Mina and Sejeong were inside but all of them were equally hoping that Dahyun would already wake up. Daehwi then glanced at the other male on the other bench, Jimin, who just had his eyes staring on the ceiling.

I didn't know that Dahyun could go up to this point. She used to be so strong, Daehwi thought as his gaze was brought back to the floor.

He closed his eyes once more as he massaged his temples but then the running footsteps made him turn towards the end of the hallway and his eyes clouded with anger as he saw the figure.

Kim Taehyung. You're the reason for all of this. You broke not just her heart but every piece of her. You, bastard---  thousands of curses, along with thoughts of how to strangle the guy ran down Daehwi's head as Taehyung approached them.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked, out of breath from sprinting.

But instead of bothering to answer, Daehwi stood up and he was ready to throw punches to the guy who he believes has caused the pain of his beloved friend but even before he could take another step towards Taehyung, Jimin has grabbed Taehyung by the collar, harshly shoving him to the wall.

"You happened," Jimin spat out in front of Taehyung. "I knew it all along that this was all wrong but you promised, Tae. You promised you'd take care of her. You promised you'd bring her happiness. I thought I could trust you!"

Taehyung bravely met every glare that Jimin gave but his reply was that of soft gazes of apology and he whispered, "I'm sorry, Chim."

The next thing Daehwi knew, Taehyung was already on the floor, wiping the blood that oozed from his lips and Jimin on the other hand, was still clenching the fist that he had used to punch the former.

"Sorry?!" Jimin yelled. "Do you think your sorry would suffice if she didn't wake up?! It wouldn't fix her now, at the very least!"

Jimin was expecting Taehyung to reason out, to argue in his defense. However, both he and Daehwi were caught off guard when Taehyung kneeled in front of them, with his head hung low.

"Punch me again," Taehyung pleaded. "Go on, punch me again. Punch me all you want. You could even beat me up into a pulp. I could say sorry a thousand times more until you get tired of hearing it. But please... I'm begging you... Let me see Dahyun first."

"I don't think she would want to see you," Daehwi finally found his voice.

"She doesn't need to see me. I could even promise that she wouldn't find out that I came for her. Just. I just want to see her," Taehyung begged once more. "Once I see her, I could explain everything to you, and you could get mad at me all you want. But please, let me see her first."

Seeing a chaebol dressed in one of the best clothes kneel in a public hospital's hallway signalled Taehyung's desperation. Jimin and Daehwi didn't want to trust him anymore after all that Dahyun has went through but even the breaks in his voice and the sadness in his face showed sincerity. Taehyung then felt another punch land on his jaw but now, it was from Daehwi.

"I'm letting you go this time," Daehwi's voice followed, "But she should not see you. You can't reignite the emotions she already had been battling with. Your mere presence could make her lose the fight."

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