Chapter 41

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"And how exactly is a weak human supposed to help us set the wedding up?" Rosalie puffed in annoyance although she tolerated Miley more then Bella

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"And how exactly is a weak human supposed to help us set the wedding up?" Rosalie puffed in annoyance although she tolerated Miley more then Bella. She just couldn't get over the bad wet dog smell. "I mean I can cheer you on or something? Or maybe a little dance for entertainment purposes?" Miley asked with a smile and shrug. Rosalie scoffed but still held the hint of a smile as she continued carrying the log to the aisle.

"No they are supposed to line the aisles not block them!" Alice screeched in anger as Carslisle and Emmett walked past her. "What aisles?" Rosalie said with slight annoyance at Alice's need for perfection. "AM I THE ONLY ONE WITH A VISION HERE PEOPLE!!" She screamed as she stormed away from Bella who looked amused. Feeling a little awkward Miley decided to talk to her sister having it been weird since everything that's happened, Miley didn't know the last normal conversation they had.

"So any pre wedding jitters? I'm sure there's still time to back out now." Miley says with a dry chuckle but was surprised to see Bella laugh as well. "Alice would kill me. Besides this is something I really want." She said it with confidence making Miley nod. "Yeah I can't wait for my special day too. It's really a once in a life time thing..... well maybe not for you." Miley laughed a little more naturally this time and Bella smiled. "So thought of any names yet?" Bella asked seeming genuinely interested for once.

Looking down at her bump that was really y showing Miley felt a huge smile grace her face. "Not sure yet actually the boys have been very vocal on their choices. Like Paul would like Paulette or Paul jr." Miley laughed thinking of her closest friends options. Bella chuckled as well, "I'm sure you'll find something great." Bella said it with a nod making Miley smile back.


Is this how it was supposed to be the entire time when Miley decided to come here from Arizona. Edward Cullen had caused a rift between the sisters but things were finally settling themselves again.... except on one topic. "Are you scared about.... possibly turning?" Bella asked making her sisters smile drop. "I've told Sam, I'd rather die then become a leech." Miley said it sorrowly but Bella still flinched at the word leech but it also hurt her at the memory of who used to say that.

"Have you heard from him?" Bella asked nervously knowing it was also a touchy subject especially with Miley's new hormones. Jacob left over a month or two ago after receiving Bella's wedding invitation that had came in the mail. Miley had cried in her room for hours as she was worried about him. "Last I heard he was by the Canadian border. Besides that the packs been pretty secretive about it." Miley was also sad she hadn't been able to tell Jacob about her pregnancy, he was one of the people she was most excited to tell.

She remembered how her mom had begun bawling her eyes over face time. She screamed for Phil as a sobbing mess. Charlie didn't speak for a good five minutes as he was in utter shock before talking of being the 'youngest and hottest' grandparent. Sam had been deathly afraid as he also had yet to tell him that the couple were also engaged for a few months having not told him yet. But pregnancy softened the blow on that one.

Then there was Sams reaction. Miley had taken a test earlier that morning but she waited until night time when he had finished patrolling. Miley didn't want him to tell the pack yet. So he had come home ate dinner and they were curled up in bed together, he was half asleep but Miley laid her head on his chest and was staring off in space when she whispered it. "I'm pregnant." His heightened hearing barely caught it as he went stiff and Miley felt a smile spread on her face.

"Your sure?" He asked trying to contain his excitement. Miley couldn't help but giggle lightly while nodding. "All those positive tests I'm pretty sure babe." Miley said looking up at him as he stared back at her in pure excitement. He looked a lot younger with how big and lopsided his smile was and the way his eyes twinkled.

Least to say they celebrated quite a bit that night with some adult activities....... then came telling the pack.

The next morning things were lively but still felt off at Jacobs missing presence as the pack all ate breakfast together. Poor Seth......... POOR SETH!

Miley was minding her own business cleaning up the dishes after the boys when Seth came running into the door and practically plowed her over onto the floor. Luckily Jared and Paul managed to catch her right on time. Sam grabbed Seth and took him outside and shifting in a fit of rage. His reason for being extra protective had slipped and Seth came running back in human still naked.

"Congratulations!!!" He screamed running towards Miley in excitement not thinking of the fact he was nude

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"Congratulations!!!" He screamed running towards Miley in excitement not thinking of the fact he was nude. This time it was Paul that grabbed him by the nape of the neck and threw him back outside. Leah snorted at her idiotic brother but none the less went to check on him. She came back with a breathtaking smile and a clothed Seth and hugged Miley tightly. "I'm so happy for you Miley!" She said ecstatic as she squeezed tighter. Seth grabbed her and pushed her away.

"HEY! I was gonna say and do that first." He said going to hug Miley as all the boys watched in confusion. "You guys realize we are not actually a real cult that does drugs right?" Jared asked in concern but also confusion. Seth and Leah looked to Miley as if to ask if they could spill the beans. Sam walked in looking defeated at having told Seth their newest secret. Miley just smiled at him and kissed him before nodding to the two. "MILEYS PREGNANT!!" They yelled in unison making all the boys yell in excitement and even made Paul and Jared cry.

The two were rubbing her stomach, "Oh god I'm getting old!" Jared exclaimed in tears. "Name him Paul jr. or better yet if it's a girl Paulette after her soon to be favorite uncle." Paul said dramatically wiping the snot from his face as he sobbed even harder. Miley would admit she cried a little too but out of happiness with life.


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