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Amara came bounding around the corner in a hurry, she was almost late for her first day of senior year at La Push High

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Amara came bounding around the corner in a hurry, she was almost late for her first day of senior year at La Push High. "MOM HAVE YOU SEEN MY CONVERSE!?" Amara yelled looking through every room of the house. A smiling Miley Uley walked in holding a freshly pair cleaned of converse. "Do I want to know where you got all that mud from on your shoes that I just cleaned?" Miley asked and Amara smiled sheepishly. "Me and some of the girls were just goofing off in the woods mom." Amara laughed shaking it off as her mother wore a stern look.

"Amara we've discussed the woods are off limits. What if your father caught wind of this?" Miley asked knowing Sam was in the council and the new pack would share what they had found. "Your not gonna tell him are you?" Amara groaned as Miley smiled coyly. "I don't want to believe me. And soon you'll understand why we don't like you going out there." Miley explained since the council had decided it was time seths imprint knew the truth. "Knock knock." Seth called in chipper as ever and ready to drive Amara to school. "Seth your right on time please get my daughter to school please." Miley begged with wide eyes and he nodded understanding that they had been talking of the hot topic going through the council at the moment.

"Of course let's go Amara." He smiled and she rushed to escape her mother's words. As soon as the two left Sam seemed to appear from his night shift worn out and ready to flop into bed. The couple aged well slight wrinkles and slight bags under the eyes. "Amara leave for school yet?" He asked coming in with a suggestive smile. "Yes but your 3 youngest are still sick in bed." Miley said with a grim look meaning they'd be shifting any minute. "And I bet you've been taking good care of them." He said kissing her lightly making her shake her head with a smile. "What can I say years of practice." She chuckled making him chuckle lowly before going to check on their son Braden Jacob Uley , their third child their son Jordan Charles Uley. Lastly was their daughter Isabella Rose Uley who was Jordan's twin.

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Isabella was only 15 and already having the symptoms of shifting

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Isabella was only 15 and already having the symptoms of shifting. Their oldest however showed no signs at all leading them to know she was normal. Not that Amara would mind she wasn't exactly a morning person so she would've been tortured on the early morning schedules. Yet Miley feared she'd feel left out of her siblings new life so with permission of the council they'd be telling her at the bonfire next week.

They'd have to tell her anyway with her being Seth's imprint, he hadn't aged barely at all since he'd imprinted on her. Sam was more then happy to know they had nothing more then a sibling sort of bond. Miley was secretly relieved as well but couldn't wait for Seth to find his lucky girl start having kids of his own. She felt bad he had to watch the others grow up including his sister. But Seth always assured her he didn't mind as long as he was able to keep Amara safe. Besides Jacob hadn't aged too much quite yet either due to Renesmee's age never shifting much.

As Sam checked on the kids Miley went through the mail finding yet another post card from Bella and the Cullens this time from Alaska. She smiled yet felt a pang of sadness, she hadn't physically seen her sister in the past 5 years or Jacob for that matter. They'd left due to people questioning the Cullens ages especially Carlisle's in the hospital. Jacob called every now and again saying that him and Renesmee may be coming back on their own.

But Miley doubted it knowing Edward would have a heart attack..... if he still had one. The rest of the pack still talked daily in group chats and even would stop in sometimes to hangout like 'the old days'. All of them also had their own children that would hangout with Miley and Sam's. Renesmee and Jacob talked about it and they'd soon be having their own children as well.

Meaning they were all grown up now..... well most of them. But no matter what they all would stick together and remain the big happy family they had all become.

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