Chapter 32 ~ The Devil

Start from the beginning

Zayn marched angrily towards the table. He grabbed a vase and smashed it on the ground.

I screamed. The broken glass covered the entire floor.

"Zayn! Zayn stop! Zayn!" He was totally out of control. Neither mine or granny's screams had an effect on him.

He pushed the table upside down and the chairs were all over the place.

This was the devil. The devil who ruines him mentally and physically. He was in control.

He was again looking for something to break.

Jasmine you have to stop him. Stop him!

I gulped as I walked towards him. He was a total angry mess. It was dangerous to approach him in this state. He could do something to me as well. What if he does something to my baby? No Jasmine, keep going.

"Z-Zayn. Zayn baby stop please." I grabbed his upperarm with the both of my hands
"Stay away!" He pushed my hands away.
"Please, please stop. You are ruining yourself."
"Jasmine fucking stay out of this!" He pushed my hands away causing me to stumble back.

I tried to grab his arm again.

"Zayn look at me. Zayn!" Pats!
I slapped him right across the face.
He was about to return the slap as he stopped, his hand midway in the air.

His eyes looked at me bewildered.

"Listen to me! Stop doing this. You are ruining yourself. Why are you listening to him? Why do you give him this much power over you? Why?"
I caressed his cheeck where I just slapped him.

The darkness in his eyes faded away slowly.
"I'm sorry Zayn. I had to slap you. You were out of control. I really didn't want to, but you left me no other choice."

"I'll leave you two alone. Jasmine take care of him, please." Granny was tired of all of this. She went to her room leaving the two of us alone.

"Look at you. Look at your hand. Why did you press on the glass? You oeff, forget about it. Come we'll go to our bedroom. I'll treat your wounds".

I signed with my head to a maid, to clean the mess as we left to our bedroom.

He didn't say a word when he took place on our bed. He just looked in front of him. As if someone was standing there.

I walked towards the drawer to get the first aid kit.

"Give me your hand." He looked me dead in the eyes as he obeyd.

"Shhh oefff, the shards are all in your hand."
I blew gently on his wounds, he on the other hand did not gave a kick. As if he was not feeling any pain at all. Jeez this man.

"Would you like to take a shower?"
I asked, while finishing bandaging his hand.

"Hmm." He replied as he got up walking towards the closet.

It broke my heart to see him like this. He was like a little boy who was totally lost.

"Zayn, how are you going to take a shower?"
He looked irritated at me. I knew, he was still in his angry modus.

He opened the door towards the bathroom. Just as he wanted to close it, I stopped him.

"What?" He sighed deeply, the irritation clearly visible in his voice.

"You can't take a shower by yourself. Look at your hand."
"Listen Jasmine. I have been shot before, I have had these kind of minor wounds before as well. Who do you think showered me then? I, myself. So please if you'd excuse me."

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