She waved the checker and red flag up in the air, making me people rev their engines as they waited patiently. Everyone wanted to gain the lead, gaining the lead was the most important part because it kept you ahead of everyone, and following behind is the hardest part of racing.




I slammed on the gas, taking off immediately. The crowds yelled as everyone took off in within a blink of an eye we were out of the starting era. Inching my foot on the gas, I looked down to check my speed as I continued to press on the gas but made sure to not too fast in order to keep traction.

We soon passed everyone, and I thanked Pierce had his challenger so suped out that most guys didn't even stand a chance in a race against it. The raceway this time was mapped out to follow a highway and take you around back roads, which wasn't the best for cops pulling you over.

The adrenaline raced through my body, there was something about going so fast and being the one in control of it. It was a feeling I couldn't explain but for someone who lacked control in their entire life, it was something that one would crave in any type of way.

I looked in the rearview mirror to see the other cars from the race not far behind as we emerged onto the highway. I merged in and out of lanes to gain ahead of the race while they got stuck behind regular people. Pierce directed me in the way of directions while we sped through, trying to point out where the speed traps were located.

I couldn't help but think about yesterday and what Pierce forced me into, I couldn't sleep all night and showered for an hour but could still feel the man's touch on my body. I fell asleep for about an hour after being on facetime with Tucker for hours but woke up soon after.

"You want to talk about last night or?" I spoke out of silence as we sped down the highway. I glanced over to Pierce, making his head snap over mine. His face was a mix of emotions, I couldn't get a read on him. Typical.

"No," Pierce muttered, turning his head to face the windshield as he watched the oncoming road.

"Well, I think it's pretty fucked up what you did." I continued anyway "I mean selling me to be fondled by some guy while you sit in the room and watch? What the fuck is wrong with you- And for $700, and that creep is just roaming the street now."

"It's not my rules, Ambrosia. Do you really think I wanted to put you in there? I take orders from Archer and Xander and that was theirs. And $700 is such a jacked-up price just for him to touch you, Mercury fucks the guys and she's only $500." Pierce rolled his eyes, not wanting to talk about this.

"Ok doesn't make me feel any better that he's just out there, probably trying to find an underage girl he can." I sighed at the thought. The thought he probably had a family and the family was kept in the dark about what a sicko he could be.

"I took care of him after you left," Pierce clenched his jaw, not averting his eyes from ahead. "What do you mean you took care of him?" I asked suspiciously, god knows what Pierce did to him.

"Let's just say he could've used the seven hundred for hospital bills," Pierce answered, not wanting to give me any other answer as he tried to push away the subject. My lips tugged up into a smirk as I looked ahead at the road knowing that sicko got what he deserved.

"Speed trap," Pierce warned, making me slam on the breaks and quickly going from 180 to 70 as we approached an area where a police officer sat at the side of the road, scanning people as they went by. As we got in a distance of the cops, I started to speed up and we took off a highway ramp and quickly came to some back roads as we hit the final stretch.

Ride Or Die | Book #1 ✓Where stories live. Discover now