
813 19 70


Crackfic if you may

Shuichi radiates KOKICHI STEP ON ME vibes

Kokichi is a highschool graduate if you may

Pregame personalities as well ;D


{Pregame!CafeWorker!Kokichi x Pregame!CollegeStudent!Shuichi}

Shuichi had a lot of things going on in his life considering it was his first winter semester, and well he did have his eye out for the new cafe place that had opened up not that far from campus. Though of course, he has done his investigating in case there wasn't any underground drug ring going on behind the scenes, just to make sure of course, totally not because he was bored as shit and had fallen for some tabloids. Yet now he has finally settled in.

Shuichi worked a part-time job as a detective and the pay was pretty good. Was this totally worth him basically moving miles away from his hometown? Uh... No. Even if his sister Tsumugi can be a pain sometimes, he doesn't wholeheartedly hate her since it was your normal, typical rivalry. As in, them arguing over their parent's credit card because Shuichi wanted to get the latest installment of the danganronpa series, while Tsumugi was wanting to use their parents paypal to buy some doujinshis' of her current yaoi ship obsession, Komahina, not safe for work, of course.

Could Shucihi label her as a fujoshi? Maybe but of course she would counter that with threatening his shrine of his own favorite danganronpa characters. His main favorite, and role model, Kirigiri. Now Shuichi wouldn't be someone you would call a normal person. But really when he's living in a 2 story house alone, it can be pretty eerie aside from the fact that he lives in a rich boy neighborhood while his neighbors would be high as hell sometimes.

Though Shuichi could just retire right after college. Considering the amount of money he was making as just a detective for his part time. Imagine how much he could make if he did it full time? His boss really did pay him a lot so if he stayed there, he may be able to retire before he hits his 40s. He's already preparing funds for his own retirement.

He even has his own house already, and oh the neighborhood was far from the bustling city. Great, now Shuichi's starting to sound like an old man. Was this the aftereffects of living in a whole new area away from his parents? Is his hair graying? Oh Atua-

He watches from his window in the suburban neighborhood as the winter snow dances in the air before being placed gracefully onto the already snow covered grass. The clouds above were gray, reflecting Shuichi's current mood right now. But of course, his neighbor, Rantaro, who seems to be 99% of the time high or at the very least, drunk, was screaming and snorting up the snow and calling it God's spilled cocaine stash.

Okay, maybe they weren't that annoying since they were at the very least, amusing with their lack of dignity. Shuichi sighed, he had planned a meeting with his peer, and possible friend, Kaede over some math homework and to help him finish his homework over some infamous serial killers throughout history.

It was just 4 am, so he had 3 hours to do anything before he had to go to school and Kaede was meeting him at 6 so that he had 2 hours to finish his homework with him. Maybe he should appreciate Kaede's time management which seems to oppose Shuichi's constant procrastinating. Shuichi put a thought to it as he threw on a sweater, a scarf that seemed to match his hair color and his snow boots.

. . . . . .

Shuichi soon found himself walking towards the cafe. He was quite surprised that they were still open at this time. And maybe his theory of them being a secretive illegal drug ring was true but that's besides the point. He opened the door, hearing the familiar faint ringing from the bell latched on the ceiling, signaling Shuichi's presence to any staff that was still here at this ungodly hour.

:🍥: ➢ 𝙰 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑 (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚖𝚊 𝚘𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon