Love Over a Fucking Panini (Part 2)

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Ever since the panini ring, Shuichi's and Kokichi's relationship with each other has been much better that they could classify each other as friends and occasionally exchange secrets with each other. Though, Shuichi was still wasn't fond of whenever Kokichi brought his boyfriend over to the dorms so that they can all watch some Disney movie with Kokichi sitting between the taller males while the tension on the couch rises higher that it can even rival Rantaro's high ass whenever he's out of campus and (most likely) smoking with some friends. What really disturbed Shuichi the most was Yokuba's behavior during class and it got to the point that it was soon Shuichi's business.

"Kokichi, can we talk at the dining room table?" asked Shuichi. Kokichi raised an eyebrow, but followed Shuichi's command and sat on the dining room table, at the other side of Shuichi, looking at the navy-haired male."I want to talk about Yokuba and what he's been doing." said Shuichi and Kokichi raised an eyebrow, obviously not really understanding what his boyfriend was doing."What is it?" asked Kokichi."I think he's cheating on you." said Shuichi and Kokichi was taken aback by that information."Saihara-" said Kokichi but was cut off by Shuichi correcting him to his first name.

"Shuichi it isn't really any of business, and besides how did you get this information?" asked Kokichi. "Well during one of my classes, I saw him stating that he was single and stuff like that. Not really acknowledging your existence." explained Shuichi and Kokichi softly smiled. He raised from his spot and started patting Shuichi's head, which was somewhat comforting for the taller male, aside from the fact that he had to duck slightly since he was still a bit taller than Kokichi when he was sitting."I'm happy that you care about me, but I think I can deal with it. Anyways, good night." said Kokichi, waving his hand.


Kokichi was happy at Shuichi. It was so soft, but Shuichi couldn't help but blush slightly and put a hand over his mouth. Was he smiling like an idiot, because his cute as fuck roomate praised him? Yes, he has. Shuichi has officially evolved into a whole new level of degeneracy from staying with the shorter male who seemed too pure for the world.

:Time Skip

Turns out Kokichi didn't need to cut off things with his boyfriend too soon, because boy, things have escalated within the span of a few hours. The cheating suspicion had been nagging at Kokichi a little bit too much and he looked at his phone to see that he hadn't received any texts from Yokubo. Kokichi sighs as he tries to go to sleep, but the thoughts of his boyfriend cheating on him have been bothering him constantly. Kokichi then looked at the time and saw that it was just 6 pm. Maybe he could confront Yokubo now, just to get things over with. Yeah, it's better to get things over with before anything else happens.

"I'm going to be heading to Yokubo's dorm, I'll be back in an hour!" called Kokichi and he swore that he heard Shuichi growl a little bit from the mention of his boyfriend's name, but it probably was Kokichi's imagination."Okay, stay safe and don't be late." said Shuichi."Yeah I will." said Kokichi before closing the door and then heading towards the elevator to go up 2 floors where Yokubo's dorm rested.

:Time Skip

Shuichi was now pacing around the dorm room, obviously concerned for his roommate's (and potential love interest's but he doesn't want to cross that line since Kokichi was seeing someone) safety, even though it's only 7:05 PM. 5 minutes too late if you want Shucihi's opinion, but he decided to keep his mouth shut about that. He sighs as his gut feels like something bad happened. Fuck it, he's going to bust down Yokubo's dorm room. Did he know which dorm room that Yokubo lived in? Fuck no, he wasn't a stalker, in another maybe, but not this one. But he did hear from Kokichi that he lived only 2 floors above theirs. And with his language classes, he thinks he can read names.

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