Love Poems

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> Once I believed love poems were foolish

Kokichi hummed to himself as he twirled the pen in his hand. Giggling when he saw that Shucihi, who was sitting a few feet in front of him was reading a book that the other male seemed to be infatuated with. Kokichi never understood what made Shucihi obsessed with one book, but what can Kokichi understand? He wasn't as much as a book nerd than the detective and they were like on the opposite side of the spectrum. Kokichi then poked Shuichi at the back of his head and that brought the detective's attention to him.

"Saihara-chan is so mean! Ignoring me over some pieces of dead trees." complained Kokichi."You know that the Earth is dying because of stuff like these!" exclaimed Kokichi, which made the surrounding students turn towards the duo from Kokichi miniature outburst.Shuichi hid his head into the book, and Kokichi was able to read the title since it no longer rested on the desk. It was a collection of love poems.

Kokichi snickered and then put an arm over Shuichi's shoulders."I never knew that Shumai was quite the romantic~" teased Kokcihi and Shuichi rolled his eyes. "Hey! I'm more interesting than people getting all smoochy with each other! How can you even stand reading between the lines to understand the real meaning!" complained Kokichi as he snatched the book from Shuichi's grasp. Which was pretty easy considering Shuichi didn't have a tight grip on it.

"Hey! Kokichi, give it back!" complained Shuichi and Kokichi let out his signature laugh. He stood on his toes and flicked Shuichi on the head, leaving a light red mark on his forehead before running out the room screaming "I DON'T NEED SHUMAI TO BE DISTRACTED BY SOMETHING AS STUPID AS LOVE CONFESSIONS ON A BOOK!"

> Now I read love poems just for the sake of it

Kokichi groaned as he turned left and right on his bed. It was 3 am, which in his opinion was pretty early considering Kokichi always had a hard time sleeping, maybe blaming all that on his insomniac. He could phone Shuichi, but the detective would definitely not appreciate it. And maybe think that Kokichi's phone call was a booty call at 3 am. Which would definitely mean that Shucihi would just not answer it. And also because his phone was on mute so that it wouldn't disturb his slumber. Aside from that, Kokichi quite literally had nothing to do, since there was a power outage so he wouldn't be able to play any games on his gaming consoles and the internet was down.

He rummaged through his backpack for something.... ANYTHING. Kokichi wasn't able to mess with his pranking items that he had since he used it to hijack Kaito's whole front lawn. Not even kidding, Kokichi basically turned Kaito's front yard, a minefield of pranks. One wrong move and you would activate one of the many, many, pranks placed upon that area. Though it would totally make Kaito's mood pretty lousy when he got to school with confetti streamers decorating his spiky hair. Or what Kokichi would like to call it, Kaito's Sonic-Reject of a hair style.

Kokichi let out another groan, not really appreciating the fact that he had finished all of his homework earlier that day so that he could play some games with Rantaro more earlier. Though Kokichi felt his eyes wander towards a red book spine. It was the book that Kokichi had snatched from Shuichi the other day, obviously the male didn't plan on returning it until Shuichi would apologize for ignoring him.

Which would be pretty soon since Shuichi didn't like having any bad relationships. Since that would equal enemies. Kokichi grabbed the book out of his bag and let out a sigh."Lets see why Saihara-chan is so caught up with this book for." said Kokichi to himself. And what Kokichi didn't expect was that he was able to read through the whole thing and didn't seem to be that bored of it. Sometimes commenting on some stupid moves and predicting what was going to happen.

They were all short and sweet and by the time Kokichi was done with it, he noticed sunlight passing through the window, hitting him straight in the face. Obviously earning a hiss from the male with purple locks.

:🍥: ➢ 𝙰 𝙱𝚕𝚞𝚎 𝚃𝚛𝚞𝚝𝚑 (𝚂𝚊𝚒𝚘𝚞𝚖𝚊 𝚘𝚗𝚎-𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜)Where stories live. Discover now