Saiouma Drabble #2

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Hi, whats up.

Enjoy A/B/O Saiouma AU brainrot

You have permission to write this if you want

Btw this has mpreg cuz y'know A/B/O


So imagine this

Kokichi is Omega and Shuichi is an Alpha and they are like both adults. Except they both share the same trauma of losing their children. Kokichi has lost his son by a building crushing him (hehe) and Shuichi lost his daughter by her being kidnapped with her corpse soon appearing in a river near their home. 

And the loss of his daughter doesn't really help Shuichi out because y'know traumatizing, and it hurts his relationship with his wife, Shibisan. And it causes them to be in the process of a divorce after Shuichi catches his wife having an affair with someone else.  Also keep in mind that Shibisan did it out of guilt and that their daughter looked too much like Shuichi that it pained her to stay in the relationship. And Shuichi knew that so he didn't really put the blame on her that much, but it still hurt him in the end.

This will soon lead to Shuichi leaving their home, unable to look at his daughter's empty bedroom without feeling a pain of guilt and Shibisan agrees to help him pack up and wish him good luck in life.

Eventually Kokichi and Shuichi meet up via the power of Kaede being a bestie, and Shuichi starts enjoying Kokichi's company and places Kokichi as one of his closest mutual and also betraying Kaede in the process, but of course you know that our queen is going to make it dramatic and tell her boyfriend Rantaro in which he woes her sadness away via watching Hamilton and having a complete brainrot over it.

Shuichi then one night sees his dead daughter in a mirror and freaks out, btw this is a cause of his guilt; his daughter is chilling in heaven playing Bingo or some shit with Kokichi's dead son- and usually when this happens, he would go to Shibisan's nest and it would calm him down, but since they aren't really together now and they are still in the process of a divorce, it would be incredibly awkward for them.

COUGH and also Shuichi moved to Kyoto because he wanted to start off new again so going to Osaka (which is where Shuichi used to live with Shibisan) would be too much work COUGH

Anyways, he decides to ring up Kokichi and Kokichi agrees to it and slowly but surely, these short night calls would transcribe into Shuichi moving in with Kokichi. Shuichi starts doing stuff that Kokichi's ex husband would do, and Kokichi comforts Shuichi over the whole divorce thing. They eventually start developing feelings. (Btw not added but like Kokichi's ex husband moved out of Kyoto after the death of their son)

Their first kiss wasn't much because Shuichi was asleep and then woke up from his slumber crying and Kokichi comforts him and Shuichi asks if he can kiss Kokichi and Kokichi does and one kiss leads to another and soon they were soon unoffically dating. 

And Kokichi's the jealous type so when he was scrolling through Shuichi's phone, because he hacked his way through even though he knows that Shuichi hates it so while he was doing that he sees pictures of Shibisan and starts getting really jealous and compares himself to her. It started off with the little things like her eyes shining brighter, but it soon becomes toxic and he starts trying to change himself.

Shuichi, obviously sees his boyfriend in distress and realizes that he's jealous and comforts Kokichi, saying that even if he wasn't in the process of a divorce with Shibisan, he would still fall in love with him anyways because no matter in what universe, Kaede would still introduce Shuichi to Kokichi. And that makes Kokichi smile, soothing him a bit. It doesn't wipe his jealousy completely, but it stops him from changing himself.

And Kokichi's jealousy eventually ends when the divorce was made in court. And Shibisan pulls Kokichi away and tells him that she's happy that Shuichi was able to find someone like him and honestly, it makes Kokichi a bit teary eyed. Shuichi would soon be surprised to see that Shibisan and Kokichi would end up becoming besties, because imagine his face when he sees his ex wife at the apartment's front door, asking for Kokichi because they were going to go hang out at the mall and start shopping and shit.

Eventually Kokichi and Shuichi get married, so OF COURSE the wedding doesn't go as planned because SOMEONE - COUGH COUGH KAITO MAMOTA COUGH COUGH- thought it was a good idea to bring an ELEPHANT there because he needed entertainment during the wedding and Crossy Road just wasn't working to quench his thirst for entertainment.

So anyways, fast forwards and Kokichi eventually sees himself pregnant and Shuichi says that they don't need to have the baby because of their past trauma but Kokichi says he wants to keep it because the little kid inside of him is going to be like a restart.

So enter Hishiko, their new daughter and her entering this world puts both parents to tears. But of course, trauma bites both of them in the ass and on the first few months of their new life, Shuichi has to convince Kokichi to go sleep in their bed because Kokichi would usually linger along the crib while Hishiko was sleeping, but really it also happens to Shuichi, because he would occasionally hover over Hishiko and whenever they are out, he'll always have her in his line of sight. (While also equipping the 2 year old with a pepper spray and taser)

Eventually they go through therapy for their behavior and everything starts to settle down. They also soon start giving birth to many other siblings of Hishiko, idk I'll settle with 5 other siblings.

And 23 years later, Shuichi and Kokichi are seeing their daughter walk down the walkway in a shimmering wedding dress and both of them realize that even through the shit they went through, they were able to live happily together as a family, and everything is tied up in a neat bow.

COUGH and then there is this sideplot in which turns out Kaede was also seeing Miu and Rantaro catches them making out on the couch and turns out their affair has been going on for a long ass time and it goes like this:

Kaede: Rantaro its not what it looks like!

Rantaro: You've been seeing someone??

Kaede: *sighs* Rantaro, look I sometimes feel like being with you, but I also someti-



And eventually Kaede and Rantaro start having an open relationship and idk, you can make it poly if you want.

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