Letter 40

60 5 0

Dear Chanyeol,

Remember that I gave you a health kit during one of our monthsaries? It was on our 6th if I was not mistaken. I gave you that because I know how weak your body is and sometimes, I wasn't there to take care of you.

Inside the kit were medicines for fever, cough, and cold. I even put bandaids and other health-related items for you. I remembered that you laughed when you saw my gift. You didn't expect that I'd give you something like that.

It was my favorite gift to you, other than the Pokemon game I got you for Christmas. Giving you gifts was fun because you always had that wide grin on your face. You told me you weren't good at giving gifts but you didn't know that the sunflower bouquet that you gave me every month was more than enough for me.

You taking me home from school was effort for me. All the little things you did when we were together were perfect. I wasn't the materialistic type and you knew that. So what you did was shower me with efforts that you knew I won't get from anybody else but you.

Now that you're sick, I wish I could do the same. My medicine kit won't probably work now but I hope that my presence will ease the pain. I don't know if my prayers will be heard, but if I could wish for one thing, it would be more time with you. If not, then at least not make things hard for you.

I wish that whenever I hold your hand, all the pain would go away. I wish that whenever I kiss you, the coughing would stop. I wish that whenever I hug you, you can sleep better. But for now, there isn't anything that I can do but just pray. No gift or effort can take away what you're feeling.

Please be well, Chanyeol. That's all I ask. 

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