Letter 05

134 11 1

Dear Chanyeol,

Before you, I had 3 failed relationships. So more or less, I have an idea how relationships work. But you were different. We didn't fight nor have disagreements.

Whenever I feel insecure or scared, you would give me reassurance and you would listen to my vents. You were there when I can't sleep. You were there when I'm scared. You were there when I doubted myself. You were there when everything was a mess.

But I didn't expect that you would take things to the next level easily.

It was one morning in September. I was waiting for you in the bus station then you came with a bouquet of flowers.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

It was the first time someone asked me that. I used to think that this scene would only happen in movies or series. Also, most of my relationships, I choose the date. I used to think that I am better at choosing the right and lucky date. The date that would make the relationship longer.

As you know, I believe in superstitions. This is the main reason I believe in all the signs during the relationship to prevent it from ending. I thought that if I choose a lucky date, everything would be fine. Even if that's not really the case.

But for the first time, someone chose it for me. You chose that lucky date for me. It was September 3.

I smiled and said ," Yes"

You kissed me and I swear, I am the happiest man in the world. Everyone looked at us but I don't care. You don't care. I guess this was where those cringe writers get the inspiration from their novels. Maybe they experienced this kind of happiness before that they didn't mind if they were in a public place and would be more than happy to kiss their partner.

After the kiss, you held my hand. We happily rode the bus and head to our school. After my first failed relationship, I never got to experience anniversaries. I honestly thought that we'd celebrate it. I really thought you were the one who would stay. The one who would prove to me that true love exists. The one who would eliminate all my thoughts about love.

But we never got to celebrate our anniversary because you broke up with me a few days before. So technically, we didn't last for a year. You even broke up with me 4 days before the first day we met at school.

Just when I thought I have found someone who would never gave up on me, you proved me otherwise. 

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