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So... I'm just gonna get this out the way before it gets out of hand. 

I didn't think anyone would ask to join my story until Jamie asked. I decided to let them in my story and started realizing that I've been updating less often (I used to have at least one update per day) cause I also needed to get their opinion before hand and I didn't want to constantly ask them for ship opinions (this is NOT your fault Jamie <3)

Despite this, it didn't seem like anyone was complaining with the fact that I had someone else in my story, and I do like having them in my story (even tho sometimes, it's hard to make them talk during a ship), so I kept going with it, and I didn't think anyone else would ask to join, but then I got notified about the comment above (this isn't your fault either @Treeboi212. You were only asking <3)

I realized that I might get more comments like this in the future, so I'm just gonna say this now.

No. I'm sorry, and I hope you can understand, but I not gonna add anymore readers in my story. It slows my updates and there are other things to take in to consideration, like if someone is toxic about a ship or a character (I am NOT saying any of you guys are toxic <3)

Once again, I'm sorry, and I hope you can understand. None of this is your fault. I hope that you'll still continue to read this story!

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