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Me: *looking at the ship list* ...Bruh

Jamie: Huh?

Me: I need you to get Norman again

Jamie: Oh my- How many ships does he have?!

Me: Too many. At least this one isn't cursed like that other one

Jamie: *sighs* Whatever. I'll go get him

×after bringing (A)Norman to the reaction room×

(A)Norman: I- How many ships do I have?!

Jamie: That's exactly what I asked Bry!

(A)Norman: I now see why Max hates doing this so much...

Me: *brings (A)Prof. Birch into the room while blushing a bit*

Jamie: *notices* You're blushing Bry~

Me: S-shut up!

(A)Prof. Birch: Hey Norman! Long time no see!

(A)Norman: Professor! It has been a long time, hasn't it?

Me: Alright. Are you guys ready to react?

(A)Norman: I guess. This better not be as bad as the last one

(A)Prof. Birch: It couldn't have been that bad

Jamie: Oh how wrong you are...

Me: Um... Anyways, here's the ship! *shows everyone the ship*

Jamie: ...Huh?

(A)Norman and (A)Prof. Birch: ???

(A)Prof. Birch: Norman is happily married with Caroline. Even then, we're just really good friends

(A)Norman: Yeah, who thought of this? I mean, don't get me wrong, it's not bad! It's just that I'm already married

Me: Maybe in an alternative universe, but other than that, this really isn't gonna happen

Jamie: At least it's not cursed like Bry said

(A)Norman: I can agree with that...

(A)Prof. Birch: What was the other ship Norman reacted to? I'm curious

Me: Trust me, you don't want to know...

(A)Prof. Birch: O.O

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