Prof. Birch x Me

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(A/N I can't believe I'm about to admit this...

Also, @-Little_Nightmares- asked to be a spectator in my story, so I allowed them. They're the person named Jamie)


Drew: Everyone! Get in here!

Almost Everyone: *comes into the reaction room*

Jamie: What's up?

Drew: Umm... Who are they?

Me: A fan of our reactions. They asked to be a spectator and to throw in their opinion as well. And no, you're not forcing them to be in ships like me *glares at Drew*

Drew: *sighs* Fine. That doesn't matter. I need Bry and- ...where's Professor Birch?

Me: *blushes* W-what?

Drew: You heard me. I need Professor Birch

(A)May: I'll go find him *goes to find Professor Birch*

Ash: Umm... What's wrong with Bry?

Drew: Oh, you'll see~ *looks at me and smirks*

Me: *under my breath* You'll be sorry...

×after finding Professor Birch and bringing him into the reaction room×

(A)Prof. Birch: Hey there! You needed me?

Drew: Yes. I need you to do something for me

Me: *quietly, still blushing* Since when were you the host...

(A)Iris: She's usually never this quiet!

(A)Bonnie: I can barely hear her

(A)May: Wait... Drew. What did you find out?

Drew: Oh nothing~ Except this little comment right here! Made by her! *shows everyone the comment I made about Professor Birch*

Me: *tries to cover my face, which is completely red* DREW!

(A)Prof. Birch: *blushes* O-oh wow...

(A)May: Aww! That's cute!

Max and (A)Bonnie: ...Ship

Jamie: I'm not judging. If she likes him, she likes him

Gary: *laughing* Oh my Arceus! She fell for a man that got chased by three Poochyena!

(A)Prof. Birch: *turns his head away, embarrassed* H-how did you even know about that...

Gary: May and I got bored, so she told me how she tried to save you from the Poochyena

Paul: You got chased by three puppies? Pathetic

Me: *clearly angered by this* I'm sorry, but do YOU know how well trained those Poochyena are, considering they're from the wild? Or what kind of diseases they can carry?

Paul: No

Me: Then. Shut. Up.

(A)Dawn: Wow. She told you off, Paul!

Paul: Whatever. He should have used his Pokemon

Me: *getting even more ticked off* His bag slipped off his arm when he slid down and off a HILL. We should just be glad he didn't get hurt too badly

Ash: True

(A)Misty: Aww! She cares about his safety!

Me: *blushes again*

Prof. Birch: *flustered* I-I thank you for your concern

Paul: Whatever. He's still pathetic

Me: *angry* You know what? People like you should start respecting people like him! He enjoys doing his research, he cares for all of the Pokemon around him, and then people like YOU come around, calling him weak and pathetic for one little slip up! Everyone makes a mistakes in their life, so don't go telling me that your Mr. Perfection!

Paul: ...

A few of the others: *start clapping from my speech*

Ash: She made him dead silent!

The pokegirls: Aww! She really cares about him!

Jamie, Gary, and Drew: Dang! You just got told off, Paul!

Me: Don't think your off the hook either, Mr. Oak. Your the one that started laughing at the fact that he got chased by three Poochyena

Gary: ...I'll shut up now

(A)Prof. Birch: *shocked* W-well. I didn't actually think someone would stand up for me, so I must say, Thank you!

Me: *blushes* Y-your w-welcome

Drew: Finally! I've embarrassed her!

Me: *glares at Drew*

Drew: O.O; *runs out of the room*


(A/N Yep. Professor Birch is one of my Pokécrushes. I wish I could find at least ONE x Reader about him, but all I find is stuff about Sycamore and Kukui ;-;

Also, this chapter is WAY longer than I expected it to be XD)

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