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Me: Let's start off with a really popular ship

Misty: *blushes slightly* Is this really that popular?

Me: Yep

Serena: *visible jealousy*

Ash: I like it!

Everyone: *goes wide-eyed* REALLY?!

Misty: *face turns completely red*

Ash: Yeah! We're really great friends! Aren't we, Misty?

Everyone else: *facepalms*

Me: Really, Ash? -.-

Ash: Huh?

Misty: *sighs* Yes, we are Ash

Ash: See! Really good friends! Well, I'm gonna go train. Let's go, Pikachu! *walks out of the room with Pikachu*

May: Oh my god, he is so dense!

Me: I'm not gonna try to explain it to him again. I'll see if Delia can explain it. So, Misty, what do you think of this ship? I think it's pretty cute.

Misty: Well, I see Ash as a really good friend, but I think that's all we'll ever be

Serena: *sighs of relief and mumbles* Thank goodness...

Bonnie: Huh? Did you say something, Serena?

Serena: *blushes* Uh, nope! I didn't say anything!

Bonnie: *sarcastically* Sure

×later with Ash and Delia×

Ash: Hey Mom! I'm back from training!

Delia: That's wonderful, Ashy! But can you come sit with me for a bit? I have something I need explain to you

Ash: Sure, what is it?

×after Delia explains to Ash about love better than I could×

Ash: *blushes* S-so, when I said I liked the shipping between me and Misty, they thought that I had a crush on?

Delia: *nods*

Ash: *blushes harder and runs out of the room and bumps into me* Whoa! Sorry about that!

Me: It's fine. Do you finally understand shipping?

Ash: *nods, still blushing*

Me: Good! Then you'll be ready for the next ship next time!

Ash: Wait! There are more ships with me in them?!

Me: Yep! But that'll have to wait until next time! Hope you readers are looking forward to it!

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