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(A/N (A)Misty Age: 10, (G)Misty Age: 13, (A) and (G)Brock Age: 16)


Jamie: Dang, Drew got really upset at RespectShipping. Once he's calmed down, I'm gonna have to tell the info I got~

Me: I still don't know what kind of info you have, since I've been keeping quiet about my other crushes

Jamie: I-it's not the best of evidence, but it'll have to do. Anyways, what ship do we have to do next

Me: *looks at ship list* A wierd one, that's for sure. Come on

Jamie: Alright

×with the with the anime characters×

(A)May: Thanks for taking me out for lunch, Drew! *hugs Drew*

Drew: *blushes* Eh, it was nothing

(A)Dawn: Aww! Those two are adorable together!

(A)Misty: That reminds me, what's going on between you and Paul?~

(A)Dawn: *blushes* W-we've been talking a bit more, but ever since he said he cares about me, he's been more quiet than usual

(A)Iris: Didn't think Paul would be the shy type

Me: *walks in with Jamie* Hey guys!

Jamie: Hey!

Misty: Hey you two! Whatcha need?

Me: I just need you guys to react to a ship for me. Brock, can you come here?

(A)Brock: Alright *comes closer and stands next to (A)Misty* So, which beautiful girl did I get paired with this time?~

(A)Dawn: *sighs* Really? Again?

Jamie: He's always like this. Can you really be that shocked?

(A)Dawn: True

Me: Alright! Here's the ship! *shows everyone the ship*

Everyone else: ?

Jamie: Nuuuuuuuuuu! Mah OTP! ;-;

(A)Brock: *blushes* I- well- uh...

(A)Misty: Well, thanks for calling me beautiful, Brock~

(A)Brock: Uh... No problem...

(A)Misty: What's wrong Brock?~ Are there Butterfree in your stomach?~

(A)Brock: How do I put this... You're a bit too young for me Mist...

(A)Misty: Oh, I know. I was just teasing you~

(A)Brock: What?! Why?!

(A)Misty: Cause I thought it would be funny~

Me: Savage

Jamie: Ha!

The other Pokegirls: *laughing*

(A)Brock: Dang it, Misty! You had me scared for a sec!

(A)Misty: My actual opinion on the ship, I think Brock and I are better off as friends. He's like the big brother I've always wanted... Don't tell my sisters that!

Me: Don't worry! We won't! We need to get going. See you guys later! *walks away*

Jamie: See ya! *walks with me*

Everyone else: Bye!

(A)May: Well, that was funny!

Drew: Yeah *remembers* Oh! I need to do something! *kisses (A)May's forehead* I'll see you later, my Beautifly~ *runs towards me and Jamie*

(A)May: *blushes madly* B-b-bye

*with the game characters*

Leaf: Is Blue being a sore loser again?

Red: *nods*

Blue: I'm not being a sore loser! He just got lucky again!

(G)Brock: You know, Blue, a good trainer learns from their defeats and uses the new gained knowledge to become stronger

(G)Misty: Wise words, Brock

Blue: Gah, whatever! I'll beat you next time!

Red: *smirks* ...You know you love me...

Blue: *blushes* D-don't act so smug!

Me: *walks in with Jamie* Hey guys!

Jamie: Hey!

Leaf: Hi! It's been a while since we saw you!

Red: ... *waves*

Blue: Heh. Hey nerds

(A)Brock: Hello! Do you need something?

Me: Yeah. I need you guys to react to this for me *shows them the ship*

(G)Misty and (G)Brock: *blushes*

Blue: Eh. Don't really care

Leaf: Maybe... All up to them, tho

Jamie: I guess it's legal here, but still no

Red: ...I don't mind

(G)Brock: I-I think we're better off as friends

(G)Misty: Yeah, I-I agree with Brock

Me: Well, that was quick. Time to get ready for-

Drew: *runs into the room, panting* J-Jamie...

Jamie: *turns around* Drew? What are you doing here?

Drew: You said you had some info to tell me, didn't you?

Jamie: Oh yeah! Gotta go with Drew! Later Bry! *runs off with Drew*

Me: Um... Ok?

Blue: ...The heck just happen?

Me: *shrugs*

Pokemon Characters React to Shipsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن