Milo x Me

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×with Jamie and Drew×

Drew: So we messed up with Oleana...

Jamie: Sorry about that...

Drew: It's fine, but think about. Bry said you missed the timing of her blush, right?

Jamie: Yeah

Drew: That means Bry had to be blushing at the person talking before Oleana! Think back to your conversation, and see if you can remember who was talking before Oleana

Jamie: Hmm...


Milo: Um... Chairman? Do ya know this girl?

Oleana: Yes, and so do I. She had us here before

*flashback ends*

Jamie: MILO!

Drew: Really?!

Jamie: Yeah! Milo was talking to Rose before Oleana spoke up! That's when I noticed Bry blush!

Drew: Well, come on! Sitting around here isn't going to do anything!

Jamie: Let's go!

×with me and Hop×

Hop: *laughing* A-and then what happened?!

Me: *laughing* I told Jamie that she was wrong about Oleana being my crush and Jamie freaked out!

Hop: Oh my Arceus, mate! That's hilarious!

Me: I know, right?!

Jamie: *OuT oF nOwHeRe AgAiN* -.- You won't be laughing once you see that I have your crush in the reaction room, Bry

Me and Hop: *flinches*

Me: You've gotta stop sneaking up on us like that, Jamie

Jamie: No

Me: -.-

Jamie: Anyways, let's go! *starts dragging me to the reaction room*

Me: Woah! Later Hop!

Hop: See ya later, mate!

×at the entrance of the reaction room*

Me: *smirks* Are you sure you actually found him this time?

Jamie: *smirks back* Oh I'm sure!~ You won't be so confident when you see who it is!~ *opens the door to the reaction room*

Me: *walks into the reaction room* We'll just see about-

Milo: Good day!

Me: *blushes madly* Dang it, Jamie! >///<


Drew: Awesome! I knew you could do it!

Drew and Jamie: *high five*

Milo: *looks at me, concerned* Are you alright? Yer lookin' kinda red. Yer not sick, are ya?

Me: Oh my god! This man is so pure!

Jamie: So~ What do you think?~

Me: What do I think?! This is the sweetest man in the world! Might I also add that he's adorable and so PURE as well?! I almost squealed when I first saw him!

Milo: *pulls his hat down to cover his blush* Aw shucks! Yer embarrassing me! I'm not all that great!

Me: O^O Stop lying! Your amazing!

Milo: *lifts his hat a little* W-well shucks! Thanks for the compliments!

Drew: I noticed something

Jamie: What is it?

Drew: If you exclude Cilan, literally all of Bry's crushes really "cuddly"

Jamie: *thinks back to Prof. Birch and then looks at Milo* Yeah! You're right!

Me: I like hugs, okay? -.-

Milo: Well, why didn' ya say so sooner?! *hugs me*

Me: *face completely red* AGVDUBWKJAVYWBJNHHSB *Bry.exe has stopped working, faints*

Milo: *panics* Oh my gosh! I didn' hurt her, did I?!

Drew: Nah. I think she just fainted after you hugged her

Jamie: Oh my god! Bry actually fainted!

Milo: I'm terribly sorry!

Jamie: It's alright, but can you help carry her back to her room?

Milo: Sure thing! *picks me up like I'm nothing and carries me*

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