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Me: *waking up* Ngh... Where am I?

Jamie: *walks into my room to see me awake* Did have a nice nap?

Me: Jamie? *looks around* I see I'm in my bedroom... But how did I get here?

Jamie: Milo carried you in here after you fainted

Me: Wait! I fainted?! When?!

Jamie: After Milo hugged you. It was kinda funny, but Milo freaked out

Me: *blushes* Seriously? God, that's embarrassing... I didn't mean to scare him like that...

Milo: *walks into my room* How's she doi- Oh! Yer awake! I'm so glad!

Me: Has Milo been checking up on me?

Jamie: Yeah. He was really worried, even though Drew and I kept telling him that you would wake up at some point

Milo: I'm so sorry! I didn' mean for that to happen!

Me: It's alright. I didn't think that would happen either. I should apologize for scaring you like that. Sorry...

Milo: No worries! It wasn't yer fault! Let's get ya back on ya feet! *reaches a hand towards me*

Me: *takes his hand and stands up* Thanks! *stomach growls, blushes* C-could we also get something to eat before I do the next ship? Hehe...

Milo: I'm not surprised that yer hungry. Ya slept through breakfast. Let's get ya somethin' to eat!

*after we've gotten food*

Me: *walking away* Thanks, Milo! See you later!

Milo: See ya later!

Jamie: Finally! I figured out your Galar crush! I'm quite happy with myself UwU

Me: Did I say I only have one Galar crush?

Jamie: ...What?

Me: There is another! ÒWÓ Maybe a few more if you count the minor crushes

Jamie: You're kidding me, right?!

Me: Nope! And besides, I still have crushes outside of Galar, remember?

Jamie: *sighs* Oh well. Your reactions are worth all the trouble. I guess I'll have to start doing research at some point

Me: *looking at ship list* Later. Right now, I need another ship reaction. Come on, let's go find the two that need to react

Jamie: Ok

×after bringing Ash and Max in the reaction room×

Ash: Awesome! It's been a while since I've reacted to one of these ships!

Max: Well, I'm not excited! None of these that have me in them have been good! Except FourthWheelShipping!

Me: So you're telling me you liked that ship?~

Max: -///- I like it a whole lot more than you

Jamie: BURN!

Me: -.- Just react *shows them the ship*


Max: Oh my Arceus! Why?! He's like an older brother to me!

Ash: Yeah. Like Max said, he's like a younger brother to me, so this is a pass. Although, the name does remind me of when we meet! Good times!

Max: You know what?! I want revenge on you for making me react to these horrible ships!

Jamie: You could join Drew and I and help us figure out Bry's crushes to embarrass her!

Max: Sounds like fun! I'm in!

Me: That doesn't get you out of reacting to ships you know?

Max: I still get to embarrass you! I see that as a fair trade for making react to those horrible ships!

Me: You said you liked FourthWheelShipping~

Max: S-shut up!

Ash: What's going on? I'm so confused...

Jamie: Don't worry about it

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