Cilan x Me

902 7 18

Drew: Bry! I need you in here!

Me: What are you? A secondary host?

Drew: Just get in here

Me: *sighs* Fine

×in the reaction room×

(A)Cilan: Oh! Hello there!

Jamie: Hey Bry!

Me: *blushes* H-hey Cila- wait a minute! How is Jamie already in here?!

Drew: Oh~ She's been helping me a bit~

Me: ...How so?

Jamie: We've searching through the comments to figure out your crushes~

Me: S-seriously?!

Drew: That's right! And that's how we found out this one! *shows Cilan and I the ship*

(A)Cilan: *blushes* O-oh my...

Drew: Bry~ What do you think~

Me: *blushes madly* I-I can't help but like him! He's so cute! And honestly, very funny sometimes

(A)Cilan: Thank you for the compliments!

Jamie: I guess it could it could work out. Cilan's only a year older than Bry

Burgundy: *out of nowhere* Don't even think about it!

Me: *flinches* Jeez!

(A)Cilan: You really need to stop doing that, Burgundy

Burgundy: *blushes* I-I'm just making sure she doesn't invade your personal space! *glares at me*

Me: O.O;

Drew: You really need to stop making your crushes easy to figure out, Bry

Me: Alright. I'll just let the people guess from now on. And I'll just tell them that I'll react to the ship. Makes your job a little more difficult, huh? *smirks*

Jamie: Oooo a challenge!

Drew: Alright. I like a challenge. But that's all for now folks!

Me: Hey! That's my line!

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