Introduction + Rules

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Me: *make everyone apper with the power of being the author*

Everyone: Where are we?

Me: Your in my book!

Everyone: Huh?!

May: Come on! I was preparing for my next contest!

Clemont: And I was making a new invention

Everyone: *starts asking questions and complains about why they're here*

Me: Settle down and I'll explain everything

Brock: We're listening

Me: I've brought you all here so you can react to shippings that your in!

Everyone: Why?

Me: Cause I thought it would be fun!

Misty: This should be interesting

Bonnie: Yeah! I'm in!

Max: I still don't get how you were able to bring us here

Me: Cause I can

Max: -.-

Ash: What's a "shipping"?

All of the girls: *face palm*

Ash: Huh?

Iris: You're such a little kid, Ash

Ash: I am not!

×after keeping them from arguing and explaining shippings to Ash*

Ash: Ok, I think I get it now

Me: Great! You guys don't have to do anything right now, so just relax!

Paul: Is there any way I can get out of this?

Me: Nope! ^.^

Paul: *gives me a death glare*

Me: O.O; *runs to safety*


So, that's the intro, now here are the rules!

1. ABSOLUTELY NO SHIPPING HATE IN THE COMMENTS. Everyone has their own opinions on different ships, and that's fine, but please be respectful others opinions

2. I will take requests to do ships, but I can't really do the manga ships yet, since I haven't really read the manga yet, so that has to wait

That's just about it! I hope you enjoy this!

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