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Me: I'm not doing anymore Norman ships for a while...

Jamie: I've no complaints...

Me: *looks at ship list* Well... He may be a bit too old for him, but at least this one isn't as bad as the last one

Jamie: Huh? Who?

Me: Don't worry. You'll see

*later, with Ash and Jamie*

Ash: Oh man! I psyched for this next ship! Almost all of them have been awesome so far!

Jamie: ...How?

Ash: Huh? How what?

Jamie: How do you still not understand what a ship means?!

Ash: What are you-

Me: *walks into the room with (A)Cilan* Hey!

(A)Cilan: Hello Ash!

Ash: Hey Cilan!

Jamie: *sighs in defeat*

Me: *notices* What's wrong?

Jamie: Nothing...

Me: Okay... Um... Anyways, here's the ship! *shows everyone the ship*

Jamie: Uh... Cilan's 16...

(A)Cilan: Yes, and even if I wasn't, I prefer the blend of flavors that is our friendship!

Ash: I have no idea what that means, but me and Cilan are great friends!

Jamie, who is completely done with Ash's stupidity: Alright! That's it!

Me: Jamie, what are you-

Jamie: *walks towards Ash* I don't get it! You were giving actual opinions on the ships when Bry explained what ships are to you and now you're back to "We'Re GrEaT fRiEnDs!!1!!1!11!" Like, DO I NEED TO SPELL IT OUT FOR YOU?!

Me and (A)Cilan: O.O;

Ash: *nervous* I-I don't what you're talking about!..

Jamie: Shipping (derived from the word relationship) is the act of pairing two or more people, either real-life people or fictional characters (in film, literature, television series, etc.) in a romantic relationship. GET IT NOW?! ROMANTIC RELATIONSHIP! NOT JUST FRIENDS!

Ash: I-

Jamie: And let's now forget the amount of hints that been thrown at you! "Oh? Lillie and Lana were suddenly blushing at the thought of being shipped with me? I gUeSs ThEy MuSt bE sIcK tHeN!!1!!1!!"


Me and (A)Cilan: *scared of Jamie*

Jamie: This better be good

Ash: First of all, I act dense. I know what a ship is. I'm not stupid

Me: That's wrong, but continue

Ash: I- whatever. Secondly, I know they're throwing hints at me. DO YOU REALLY THINK SERENA IS GOOD AT HIDING HER FEELINGS FOR ME?!

Jamie: Then why are you acting dense?

Ash: Because I don't know who I want to be with! Misty, Serena, Lillie, Lana... And a bunch more... They're all really amazing... I just don't know yet...

(A)Cilan: Pardon me, but why were you being dense towards our ship? U-unless your saying-

Ash: *chuckles* Cilan, you're amazing as well, but I can only see us as friends. No offense

Cilan: *sighs in relief* None taken

Ash: I just never know if someone will reveal if I'm not dense, so I just act that way in front of everyone...

Me: Ash... Don't stress too hard on who you want to be with. This really only for fun anyways. I'm sure you'll figure out who you want to be with eventually

Ash: *smiles* Thanks Bry

Me: That said, I want honest opinions from you from now on. Okay?

Ash: ...Yeah, I can do that. From now on, no more acting like I'm an idiot!

Jamie: Finally!

Me: Y'know that just because you aren't dense, doesn't mean that you aren't idiot

Ash: Aw come on! What happened to you being nice to me?!

Me: Who in the world tells their pokemon to use Thunder on their own FLYING TYPE?!


Me and Ash: *arguing*

(A)Cilan: Uh... Should we stop them?

Jamie: Nah. They'll stop eventually


(A/N Ash: *having trouble choosing who to be with* AKA: Me having trouble figuring out if I want to ship him with Misty or Serena in this book)

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