The First Challenge

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Lucas-what was that?

Ten-I don't have the foggiest idea.

Winwin-Brilliant observation.


Vernon grips your arm.

Vernon-I don't like the sound of that. Let's get a move on.

The bunch of you plus the dragons run down the steep valley, the piercing screams echoing off the walls.

Lisa-Dear God, won't it shut up?

You grimace and look at Dino who is being helped by Seungkwan. Another scream tears through the night. Echoliysis stops and growls. You pat her head and proceed to run down the valley. Suddenly the ground becomes level and you notice a dilapidated stone temple.

Lucas-Nyx's temple. . .

Jisoo-well let's not just stand here.

Y/n-what exactly are we looking for again?

Vernon-The ⅓ of Nyx's soul.

Y/n-okay, what exactly does that look like?

Lisa-I am not quite sure either, but maybe a glowing orb?


Lucas-well what are you all waiting for? Let's go!

Lucas bolts ahead into the temple and you rush in after him. The place is dusty and full of cobwebs. Jisoo starts to cough violently. 

Jisoo-hack, aughhm cough cough.

Ten-You good?

Jisoo-cough, yes I am fine.

Kun-Shh do you hear that?

???-1, 2 I'm coming for you.


????-3, 4 better lock your door.

Lisa-Um, should we keep going?

Dino nods and limps ahead. You climb over a fallen statue, and step onto the rotting wooden floor. Suddenly it cracks and you fall through.



Lisa-Are you ok? Y/n?

You groan and turn to look at your surroundings.The shattered remains of the wooden floor were scattered all around you. The hole which you had fallen through had allowed in some natural light and you can faintly make out the outline of a marble pedestal.

Y/n-Hey guys, I think there is something down here!

Lucas-Okay, we will be right down there!

One by one the rest of your small party descend through the hole. Kun had tied the dragons to a stone column on the upper floor. 

Mingyu-Ouch. My ass!

Lisa pokes your arm.

Lisa-What's that?

On the pedestal was a small statue of a woman. Dark power emanated it and the eyes were pure black. S.Coups hissed.

S.Coups-A statuette of Nyx.

Hendery-Should we take it?

S.Coups- I don't think we have a choice.

Jennie steps forward.

Jennie-Allow me.

She grabs the darkened statue and suddenly hisses in pain. Her hands are steaming and you are shocked to see a red burn mark forming on her skin.

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