Seventeen pt. 3

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Woozi-how the heck did she get a portal?

Wonwoo-that's why we are looking!

Hoshi- damn. Chill dude.

Woozi- there are alot of rocks here, but why do we have to be only in this sector?

S.Coups-This is the only section that has Demonic Artifacts. . .

Mingyu-but, which one has enough power to generate a portal?

Dino-does anyone know the spell?

Seungkwan- Vernon, Joshua,The8, and Jun all know it.

The8-Joshua is the best spellcaster though.

S.Coups-guys! Focus! We can't use a spell if we don't find an artifact.



Vernon-what now??

Jeonghan points to an artifact, with a crack running through it.

Jeonghan- I just touched it. . .tried to see if we could cheat our way through the Veil.

All the rest of Seventeen face palms themselves.

Joshua-do you have any idea how much a replacement is going to cost?

S.Coups-well there goes 10 years of life savings. . .wait.

He points to the artifact. A faint red glow emanates from it.

Wonwoo-what luck!

Jun-wepah. (the crack enlarges and morphs into a portal of red light.)

Mingyu-not bad, Jeonghan. Not bad at all.

The 13 men jump though. 

Seventeen: A Demonic ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now