The Guardians of the Veil

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Jennie- don't be scared.

y/n- easy for you to say.

Lisa-don't worry i will be with you.



Rosè-well, good luck!

The doors open and close, leaving you and Lisa in a grand hallway.

A beautiful woman in a white dress sits on a throne. Her reddish/purple braided hair hangs over her right shoulder.

????-come forth.

Lisa-Headmistress, I present you Kim y/n.

The Headmistress smiles warmly at you.

???-finely, another lost child has returned home. I am Jihyo. The headmistress of this palace.

You bow.

Jihyo-this is your home now. You will learn to control your powers and the way of our life. Since you have come from earth you will live in the Temple. I have assigned Lisa and the rest of Blackpink to mentor you along the way.

y/n-thank you.

Jihyo-i and the rest of the council shall tutor you. (she snaps her figures and eight other women appear.)

You bow toward them

Jihyo-if you have any questions please ask me. Now, for now you can stay with Blackpink. Any questions?

y/n- no.

Jihyo-good. Lisa, you may show her a tour.

Lisa-Of course, my lady.

As you leave the Great Hall,

Lisa-well that wasn't so bad was it?

y/n- i guess, but for second i could have sworn i was going to hyperventilate.

You two laugh. A loud grumble sounds from your stomach.

Lisa-omg! You must be starving. Let's get something to eat from the market, hmmm?

She stares at your formal outfit.

Lisa-hmmm. Let's not ruin that. Rosè!


Lisa- a little more casual outfit no?

You change to a red long sleeved crop, with black jeans, choker, and knee high combats.

Lisa-perfect. Let's go!

Lisa gives you a tour as you walk toward a restaurant.

Lisa-the haven is really easy to navigate. Basically, we divided it by the 4 directions. So the temple is in the center. To the north of the temple are the camps for magic training and war. To the south is the home of many professional artists, in dance, art, drama, and music, to the west are the farms, and to the east are many markets and shops. People live here and there. So yeah.

You reach the restaurant. Lisa orders noodles in beef broth, while you order dumplings.


The two of you continue to have a tour around, and at the end of the day, you collapse onto the velvet bed.

y/n-this may not be such a bad life after all. I could get used to this. (you drift to sleep.)    

Seventeen: A Demonic ProphecyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon