Sworn Friendship

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When you enter the Vault, Kun, Ten, and Winwin are already there.

Ten-aughh! Gentle!

Yanyang-sorry hyung. I am trying to be gentle.

Ten-(muttering) I know.

You immediately rush to Ten, whose chest is soaked with blood.

y/n-are you alright? Do we need more bandages?

Winwin-it's fine, y/n.

Winwin staggers to his feet, his whole left side of his face is bruised and a patch covers his eye.

Jihyo-Oh dear. . .


Winwin raises a slender hand to stop you.

Winwin-the bastards left, thanks to you. They needed to heal Felix.

y/n-oh, no it wasn't all me. . .

Lucas-water. . .

You rush to Lucas, who is breathing heavily. Lisa runs over after you.

y/n-sit! Vernon, can you get a glass of water? 

You spend the next hour, bandaging, cleaning, and encouraging your wounded friends. Throughout this time Kun is silent.

Jihyo- Kun? What's the matter?

Kun-I'm a marked man.

He gestures to the destroyed palace.

Kun-the Tarlacsians will do everything in their power to kill me.

He suddenly bows before you.

Kun-I apologize for my brash actions earlier, I swear my life to you, as your guard. I am forever in your debt, please accept this apology from your humble servant.

You stand still in absolute shock. Lisa nudges you.

LIsa-don't keep him kneeling old day!

y/n-um. . . I accept your apology, and your offer of service.

Kun rises and then turns to the few remaining Mer.

Kun- you are discharged of your service, if any of of you wish to leave, leave now.

To both his and your surprise, not one of them budges.

Ten-sir, this is our home as well. Where you go we will go. When you stay we will stay. We will always be loyal to you.

Rest of Wayv-aye.

Kun bows.

Kun-thank you comrades.

Kun-all hail, to y/n, the Heir, and fulfiller of the Prophecy. 

Everyone in the room-Aye!

You blush in embarrassment. Suddenly, Winwin perks up.

Winwin-the portal is activated miss, are you ready?

You turn and look at the blue swirling vortex. Its magnetic force seems to draw you toward it, and you can feel the power emanating from it.

y/n-let's go.

You lead your small band of followers through the portal and down down down into. . . Hades. 

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