The Mer

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Hendery- aish, Lucas.

Lucas- oops.

The two Mer men stare at the broken shell vase.

Hendery-Kun-hyung really is going to kill you

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Hendery-Kun-hyung really is going to kill you.

A sharp jawed Mer man with green scales swims in.

Xiaojun- um. What happened here?

Hendery-Lucas got mad so he caused a small wave, which knocked this over.

Lucas-i didn't think the wave was going to be this strong.

Xiaojun-bro. You're like 8 ft long.

A rumble sounds above them.

Lucas-ahhhhhh! Hendery-hyung protect me!

(runs to Hendery, but because of his size he topples Hendery over.)

Henry+Lucas- Ouch.

A small, honey skinned mer Man glides in with shiny black scales.

Winwin- Calm down. It's just another ship.

A red scaled Mer Man rushes in, fear showing in his eyes.

YangYang-hyungs! What was that noise?

Lucas-nothing to fear, YangYang. It was just a mortal ship.

YangYang-oh, I thought Posideon had sent another Gale. weren't you scared?

Lucas-no not at all.

YangYang-wow! I will be in the game room. Bye hyungs!

Hendery punches Lucas.

Hendery-yah. Nothing to fear. Right?

Xiaojun rolls his eyes.

Winwin-aish. You kids.

The glass door opens*

A tall, blue scaled Mer, enters carrying a seaweed basket laden with goods.

Kun-I'm home!

Lucas-oh crap.

Hendery- now you're dead.

(Kun glides into the sitting room.)

Kun-hello. . .um, what happened here?


Lucas-what's for dinner bro?

Kun-first of all I am not Bro, I am Kun-Hyung.

Lucas-sure, br. . . i mean Kun-hyung.

Winwin-they broke your new vase.

Kun- 0_0 ???? !!


Kun-you what?

Lucas-I may have accidentally broken something.

Kun-and what is that thing?

Lucas- your new vase. . .

Kun- > o <

Xiaojun-ok, if you guys can excuse me. I will be with YangYang.

Kun- you guys broke my new vase, which is only 2 days old! Both of you are grounded! To your rooms now! Also no dinner!

Hendery-aw man.

The two slink away to their rooms.

Kun-aish my poor vase.

A white and silver scaled man with cat-like eyes slithers in.

Ten-what's the matter? Oh.

Ten-go take a swim. I will clean this up.

Kun-thank you Ten. How is life up in the mortal world?

Ten-Winwin is doing fine in History. Lucas almost revealed his identity. . .


Ten-don't worry, I stopped him.


Pushing Kun out*

Ten-go go, shoo. Get some fresh air.

Kun-i'm going. I'm going. Geez.

Kun swims out into the ocean. He twirls with a school of fish, and races with sharks. He dives with the dolphins joining them in their high pitched squealing.

Kun-ha ha. Good job guys.

Pearl-eek, eek.

Kun-hmm. Yes you did great.

Oceania- eeeek.

Kun-what's the matter?


Kun turns around to see the ship, the Watcher cruising toward them. He dives down just missing the boat.

Kun-geez. . . mortals!

Kun peaks above the water, and watches as a young woman dressed in a heavy, brown, wool, coat jumps from the boat's side.

Pearl-eek? Eeek.

Kun watches in horror as the girl hits the ice cold waters with a loud splash. The ship is too far away for a life vest to be thrown and the girl will either drown or die of the temperature.

Kun whistles, and points. In a flash Oceania swims toward the figure , and drapes the girl over her body.

Kun-aish. How far is it to the mainland?

Then something caught Kun's eye. A glass locket. . .

Kun-the Locket of Earheart. . . which means. No no no. . . it's a myth!

Oceania wines impatiently, and Kun whistles for her to bring the girl over.

Kun stares at the Locket. Yes. it was indeed the Locket of Earheat, right in front of his eyes. The girl seemed to be unconscious from the impact of hitting the water, and Kun continued to stare. Should he take her to his dwelling or leave her on the main shore? The Locket. . . it was too risky. If a Tarlacsian found it, his people would be enslaved again.


Kun-sorry girl, this is a rare exception. I'll be taking her with me.

Kun gently cradled the girl and dived back down. He didn't know how the others would react. 


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