SKZ on Earth

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Han-fudge! This tastes disgusting! Human food sucks!

Felix-hmm. Well I found this app recently it is called Tik Tok. it's really fun to be on.

Han-well will having fun cure my hunger?


Changbin-so. . .off topic but, what did you think of human school?


Han-a waste of time.



Changbin-ok. Well I agree. Why did Bang Chan send us there anyway?

Han- he said that an old acquaintance of hers goes to this school.

Felix-the girl? Yuna?

Changbin- got any proof Han?

Han-yeah. As I walked past the girl's lockers, I heard Yuna yelling at Ryujin of how she hated her because she killed y/n.

Changbin-y/n? Wait if she's dead. . .

Han-i don't think she is. The human must have made a mistake.

Felix-do we have to become friends with a human?

Han-we don't have a choice. She is the only one who may give us a lead.

Changbin-humph. Well I am taking a nap.

*Growl. . .

Han-aughh, I am starving!

Felix-well, there is a cafe nearby, want to go?

Han-sure, why not? Changbin get your lazy ass off the couch!


The three leave the apartment.


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Later. . .

Cashier Minnie- well,what can I get for you handsome gentleman today?

Felix-uh, one hot cocoa, with a croissant please.

Han-the sausage, egg, and cheese sandwich, with chips, and a caramel latte for me.

Minnie-alright, anything else?

Changbin-one blueberry muffin, lemon scone, and strawberry banana smoothie please.


Han-that would be it.

Minnie- your total is 20.17.

Felix hands the money.

Minnie-here is your change. Your waiting number is 9. Your food should be coming out shortly.

All three-thank you.

Felix-Han-hyung, look.

Han-not now Felix.

Felix- look!


Han follows Felix's finger and sees Yuna.


Felix-that locket. . .

Han's eyes widen. The locket was made from glass and mercury, and gold accents. a red glow emanated from it. It could have only come from across the Veil. That symbol. . .was of the house of Darkblood.

Changbin-how does she have that?

Then a ring sounded. A group of girls came in. what happened next was shocking to say the least. 

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