Itzy's Comeback

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At the G7 mansion. . .

Ryujin-you still miss that bitch?

Yeji-Ryujin! Be sympathetic!

Yuna-she was such a kind friend though. . .

Lia-you will get over her.

Yuna-no! You guys don't understand! She was one of my best friends!

Ryujin-omg. . .Yuna how thick is your skull?

Chaeryoung- let's not fight again, please.

Yuna-y/n actually was my friend! She didn't care about the money or popularity like some of the other girls, she cared about me because I was just myself! And you killed her!

Yeji-babe. . . we should have told you about our family's occupation.

Yuna-I don't want to be in this occupation. I want y/n back!

Ryujin-and how will you do that? Go to Hades?

Yuna-I hate you, Ryujin!

(grabs a heavy book)

Lia-woah woah woah. Let's sit down. Ryujin, not another peep from you.

Ryujin-ugh. Fine.

Yuna-guys don't get it, and you never will!

Chaeryoung- Yuna. . .

JB- girls? You should hurry. The bus will be here any minute.


Yuna-I don't want to go to school. You can't make me!

JB-Yuna, sweetheart, it's been a week since you stopped going to school. Jinyoung wants you to go back, and not fall more behind with homework.

Yuna-I won't go! Unless he can bring back y/n, i am not moving!

Yeji-cmon Yuna, we miss you during class.

Yuna- no!

Jinyoung-Yuna. You are leaving for school. Get going.

Yuna-talk to my ass!



Yuna-fine! I am leaving!

(storms out with backpack)

Mark-you sure that was the right way Junior?

Jinyoung-don't call me that.

Mark-sure thing, man.

At the PYJ Academy. . .

Lia-Yuna! You came!

(Yuna hangs head)

Yuna-I don't want to be here.

Lia-cheer up. We have some new students. They look cute.

(she points to Han, Changbin, and Felix. Yuna turns to look at them.)

Yuna- why do they make me feel so unsettled?


J-Hope-Good morning students! Isn't the sun so bright today? I love it! Makes me feel so happy.

Students-Good morning Teacher J-hope.

J-hope-yes, yes. We shall begin with poetry. I found the perfect one. It is about sunflowers.

As Yuna flips open her poetry packet, she turns her head. To her horror one of the new boys is staring at her. 

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