Speak of the Devil

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In the Seventeen Mansion. . .

(the day after Lisa's escape)

Woozi walks into her room, bringing a bowl of soup.


He walks around the room and notices a bulge in the bed.

Woozi-ah. You are asleep?

(he walks over)

Woozi-rise and shine!

Woozi uncovers the blanket to reveal. . .a bedroll?

Woozi-what the?

Suddenly the truth hits him.

Woozi-oh shit! Joshua! Hoshi!

The duo rushes in to witness a distressed Woozi pacing the room.

Hoshi-what's wrong?

Woozi-she's gone!


Joshua rushes around the room, till he reaches the open window.

Joshua-damn it! She jumped!

Hoshi-it's alright. It's alright. Let's just take a sip of tea, and contact the hyungs.

DK-uhhhh guys? Jeonghan-hyung cheated me out of. . . uh what's going on?

Woozi-Lisa escaped.

DK-oh Hell nah.

Jeonghan-DK! No swearing!


Jun-(from downstairs) Jeonghan-hyung?


Jun-Dino has exploded the kitchen.

Jeonghan-what??? I'm coming!

Joshua-aish. . . more drama.

Hoshi wraps his arm around him. 

Hoshia-come. Let's have a cup of blood tea.

Woozi-DK. Join us.

DK nods and tails along.

Earlier in the kitchen. . .



Dino-I'm bored.

Jun-go play video games or something.

Dino-I did that for like 2 hours.

Jun-go outside?

Dino-too cold, and I'm hungry.

Jun-fine. Do you want to bake cookies or something?


The two men walk into the kitchen, and Jun begins to prepare the ingredients.

Jun-Is chocolate chip okay?


Jun-alright, Dino, we need two eggs. . .



Jun whirls around and immediately facepalms himself.


Dino grins shyly at the dozen eggs, now cracked and spilling all over the kitchen floor.

Jun-You clean up this mess, and I will get more from the other fridge, ok?

Dino nods. Jun leaves and Dino begins to mop up the spilled eggs.

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